Chapter 8

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        Erics POV

        She had yet again left me unsatisfied, this was bullshit. I walk back to my room what in the hell are those swords all about? I don't believe her for a second that the box was empty, of course she would never tell me. I strip down to my briefs and climb into bed yet again I go to bed frustrated. what would I tell Max? She could still be a threat to the system, after last years attempted war Abnegation is still in power but I knew for a fact that Jeanine Matthews, who somehow avoided prosecution, was planning something even larger this time to overthrow Abnegation she has asked me to join but do I dare associate myself with her again? 

        I wake up early to go talk to Max before going to the fear simulation room, I walk into his office "Ah Eric just the man I wanted to talk to, any new leads on Lincoln?" he asks I clear my throat "We went to Amity to speak to her father yesterday, he is the one who taught her everything she knows, she showed an early aptitude for Dauntless as a child so he decided to give her a head start." I lie to him he sits up straight "Well she is a might fine warrior, we will see how she does in the fear simulation, I would like to include her in Jeanine's plan, and in Dauntless leadership she seems fit for the position." says Max "Anything to update about Jeanine's plan?" I ask "Yes, she has found a way to wipe the memories of the city and implant a new memory of Erudite being the leader of the factions. It seems fool proof we just need a way to get the serum into the people, since Erudite is being watched so closely, as well as us we have yet to figure out how to release the serum."  I nod "Would every ones memories be altered?" I ask "No anyone with Jeanine would know the truth. That includes us Eric, Abnegation has to be stopped before the system falls it was a close call last time." says Max. I agree with a nod and walk out towards the fear simulation room.

        I walk into the room Four has already started, some transfer is twitching in the seat her fear is spiders a common one. After several initiates come and go Lincoln walks in wearing a tight grey crop top, black pants with leather panels on the knees, and black boots her long black hair straight as a pen hanging to her waist, she never wears to much makeup like the other girls in Dauntless, just so simple and beautiful. I snap out of my trance "Sit down Lincoln" says Four as I prepare the serum Four explains how it works and how to get through it. "Are you ready?" I ask her she looks up at me with her beautiful eyes and nods. Her eyes close slowly and we see her fears start to play on the screen, she is in a big black room just her, a fear of being alone? she sits down and breaths deep and then she awakens not more than 1 minute had passed "That's weird." says Four "What was your fear?" I ask her she stands up and turn towards us "It wasn't a fear, I was perfectly calm." Four tilts his head to the side "That's impossible, everyone has a least one fear." he says "I guess I don't" says Lincoln her eyes are focused on me "Well we will try again tomorrow and see if anything new happens." I state. Four just stands there in shock, but picks his work up calling in the next initiate. Lincoln starts to walk out the back door but she runs into me and slips a piece of paper into my hand as she walks by. I unfold the piece of paper it says Meet me in the Library at 10. 

        The day drags by at the slowest pace possible, I watch her from a distance her eyes meeting with mine ever so often. Finally it is 10 and I head towards the library it's in a alcove deep in the compound, many members don't even know we have a library. I open the large wooden doors with a loud squeak I walk towards the center of the library.

        There she is sitting on the sofa the moonlight lit up the entire library, she had the swords resting on her lap inside their leather casing. She was still wearing what she wore earlier (outfit: and it seemed she looked even more stunning but she had a seriously sexy air of her. "I'm glad you came." she said standing up putting the swords on her back "Why did you ask me to come?" she walks up to me "sit down I want to show you something."  I walk around her and sit down spreading my arms across the back of the sofa, "I discovered something new about the swords last night." she reaches both her arms back and grabs the handles dragging the swords out of the leather casing. She brings them forwards and as she does a tribal print begins to spread from where her hands hold the swords up her arms up her neck and down her back and shoulders, the symbols on the swords glow bright red and then fade as the markings on her skin finish appearing. "What just happened?" I ask "It happens when I grab them I need someone else to hold them to see if it happens to them too." I stand up and walk to her she hands me both swords they are extremely heavy but the markings never appear on me, as they fade from her. "See I think these swords were made specifically for me." she takes them and returns them to the leather casing and places them on a large wooden table behind her covered in books. "How is that even possible?" I ask she looks at me " I don't know, all I know is that they were made for me." she shrugs. She looks beautiful, the moonlight hitting her eyes just right, she is stunning and she will be mine, I step closer to her inches from her face I decide to make her mine right there.

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