Chapter 19

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Sorry for not updating in centuries, but here we go!

My name is Lincoln, within me resides the powers of a thousand men, but I am powerless. That is what love does to a human renders them powerless, brings forth the most primal instincts of survival. I will fight for my love, or I will kill it for ever harming me.

Red,crimson red, the blood of my foes engulfs me. Run is the only thought I have. I'm leaping and bounding to my freedom, I am rushing never letting my eyes falter from in front of me, never looking back.

Metal flys through the air, shouts fill my ears but one voice screams out "Lincoln!" it is like home calling me. I turn there he stands, in all his guilt. "Eric." I whisper barely knowledgeable to myself. "This changes nothing Lincoln!" he yells coming closer gun in hand. "That kill switch was just a decoy to get you to return. The program will always continue." I am once again faced with my enemies, Elizabeth and now Eric as well. "I will end this." I have recovered from my sprint for freedom as I speak these words. "Have you not noticed that you are becoming weak?" Elizabeth chimes in "The serum we inject you with is wearing off, the illusion of strength is fading." she smiles the evil smile of hers. "We own you Lincoln, we always have." My eyes sting with tears. I look down at the blood soaked blades that once held the truth of my existence.

"The swords?" I question she laughs "An illusion, they are quite powerful but without the strength to wield them they are, just as you, worthless." she places her hands together with a grin continues her speech "though the markings were never explained fully, we truly don't know why they came forth." I stare down at the markings lining my skin, and in that moment the wind stands still, the oceans draw silent, the earth stands still.

Were never explained fully because they are me, they are my legacy, my body and my mind fighting against the wrong doings of the experiment. "You're DNA always had a peculiar look to it, it's why you were selected for the experiment." Elizabeths voice came to me in a fog. I am not one of them, I am my own being my own type of human. My DNA is the revolution, the resistance runs through my veins in the form of blood. "You could never explain something that did not match yours, you feared the unknown, you feared that the old way of humans may be coming to a harsh end. That a new type of being would arise." I spoke with confidence, my strength returning to me, the serum was not what made me strong, it was always within me.

"You are an experiment." Eric's words cut like knives, but I suddenly found new light within me to fight. "You, Eric, are an endangered species, but do not fear it will be over soon." I spoke with venomous intentions. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes reaching out to others I always felt pulled in a million different directions I now understood why, I was drawn to others like me, to those who are different who never conformed.

Foot steps, hundreds of foot steps stomped the dirt path behind me, and ever breath was heard in the silence. The resistance moved forward. Behind me arose my own kind, the people who had been trapped inside the experiment, my people.

I looked at Eric and in one swift motion raised my sword and sent the blade slashing through the being in front of me. Elizabeths head thumped to the dirt ground and her headless body soon followed. Guns rose but no shots fired, Eric held his gun to my head "You will die." he growled. I laughed and looked at him my eyes burrowing into his lost soul. "No my dear Eric, you will die."

Warmth trickled down my hand and droplets hit my black leather boots. His eyes rolled back, as a tear dropped from my cheek. The blade plunged through Eric's chest and his body feel to the ground as I retracted the blood soaked metal. Tears flowing down my face, the guards quickly retreated into the surrounding forests. I turned to face the future, letting the blood of my past run out onto the ground. I was greeted by faces of lose, the faces of a new found generation.

Lincoln a Dauntless (Eric/OC )Where stories live. Discover now