a 𝙛𝙚𝙬 pit stops (car sickness)

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Peter woke up really exited and started getting dressed as soon as he could, showering, brushing his teeth and getting dressed into summer clothes but packing a hoodie in his back pack just incase. He looked at the time, 𝟭𝟭.𝟬𝟮𝗮𝗺 and Peter knew they would need to leave soon. He went downstairs to the kitchen to grab some food and Thor was there with Steve.

"Hello man of spiders! Have you come to join us for breakfast!" Thor said excitedly and Steve chuckled.

"I mean sure I was just grabbing something quick but I can join you. Don't we need to leave soon?" Peter asked hoping to go because he loved the beach.

"Yes we do!" Tony said walking into the room with Pepper. Pepper was holding a bag that probably had everything they needed in because Pepper was like a mother to the group.

"Ready for the beach kid? Let's load up the car" Pepper said walking away to go put the bags in the car. Peter grabbed his back pack and put on his shoes, making his way down to the car where Tony, Pepper, Steve, Natasha and Thor where. Bruce was supposed to come along but he had some "important doctor stuff" to do or at least that's what or Peter was told.

They all got in the car, Tony driving and Pepper in the passenger seat. Thor and Steve where in the middle seats and Peter and Natasha in the very back. They set of for the beach and it was going to be a 3 hour ride but that's okay because Peter only gets car sick when it's more then 4 hours and they where going to stop once for food. About a half hour into the ride Peter stomach started to hurt so he put his headphones in and listened to music to calm himself thinking it was because he ate to fast at breakfast. He fell asleep for about 20 minutes but when he woke up his stomach was even worse then before. He couldn't do much about it though because he was sitting right next to Natasha and she would definitely notice if he rubbed his stomach. He decided to ask when they where going to stop and Tony said in about a half hour.

"Whys that kid?" Tony asked looking in the mirror at Peter who's stomach was now twisting and flipping.

"No reason just hungry" Peter said but even talking about food made his stomach somersault and he felt a wave of nausea hit him. He swallowed and he tried to discreetly rub his stomach but of corse Natasha noticed and looked at Peter with a concerned look.

"Kid? Is your tummy okay?" She asked looking at the poorly kids face.

"Im just h-hungry" he couldn't even say anything to do with food without feeling sick and he felt a bile rise to his throat leading him to swallow and push it back down.

Tony was now looking at the conversation and he was concerned for Peter, he knew Peter got car sick but he thought it was only on long car journeys.

"Need me to pull over kid?" Tony asked looking in the mirror again and Peter who gave in and nodded as he felt another wave of nausea hit him and he put his hand over his mouth. As soon as Tony stopped the car Peter ran out and went behind a bush bending over, releasing his hand and expelling his stomach contents onto the grass. He felt a hand rub his back in circles which caused him to bring up more of his small breakfast. He knelt down and heaved but nothing came up. He went on like this for about 3 minutes before the hand rubbing his back said,

"I think your done kid" it was Tony's voice and Peter was even more embarrassed then he was before and his face went red as he dry heaved again. Tony helped the kid back into the car once he was definitely done and they set of to go find a place where they could all eat. They arrived and Peter thought it best if he had something small so he wasn't sick but he wasn't hungry too. After they all ate Tony decided to swap places with Natasha who was now in the middle with Steve and Thor in the passenger seat with Pepper driving. They set of, only an hour away from the beach. 20 minutes in peter got the same twisting feeling in his stomach and he clenched his fist causing Tony to notice.

"Are you gunna be sick again kid?" Pepper looked in the mirror upon hearing this and she got ready to pull over but Peter shook his head. He wasn't lying he just had a really bad stomach ache. Peter slouched down in his seat and Tony offered to rub Peters belly. Peter was hesitant at first but he gave in when he knew it would give him some comfort. They finally arrived at the beach where Peter felt better and he had loads of fun on fair rides and eating ice creams and by the time they had finished everyone was super tired and decided to go home.
They had the same seating plane with Tony in the back and Pepper driving. They did this just incase because Peter had eaten a lot of sweets. Peter had fallen asleep on Tony's shoulder and about and hour later he was woken up by a gripping pain in his stomach causing him to wake up and grab it forgetting Tony was next to him.

"Kid?" Tony said concerned.

"Mr. Stark...I don't feel so good..." Peter said as his face went pale and he felt a bile rise to his throat. Pepper pulled over because she had heard the conversation between them and knew what was coming. Peter jumped out of the car and ran behind a bush, throwing up everywhere worse then before. It took 4 minutes for him to stop and when he finally did he fell back into Tony's arms who was there rubbing his back.

"It's okay kid your okay it happens to the best of us" Tony said trying to calm the now crying boy. Pepper came over with some water and a tissue for them and Peter swished some water in his mouth and spit it out. They sat there for about 3 minutes until Peter lurched forward and expelled his stomach on the floor again. Peter was so embarrassed he felt like he had ruined the trip for everyone. Tony noticed the kid got red and he felt awful for him.

"No one's mad at you kid okay? When we get home we can watch a movie all of us to end of the great day we've all had, besides you being sick this has been a great day kid and im more worried about you being okay then anything else!" Tony tried to comfort the kid but he's not very good at wording things but he tried. Peter nodded and they got back in the car. They had to pull over 2 more times for the journey home and Peter had a killer stomach ache for the rest of the night and Tony rubbed his stomach easing the pain for the poorly kid. When they got home Peter went straight to bed and he was better the next day.

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