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The mission had gone smoothly, until it hadnt, and now Peter was clutching his dislocated knee in agony as Steve ran over to him.


"Sir, there seems to be an alien life form attacking a nearby street." Friday announced, interrupting the lunch Steve, Tony, Clint and Wanda were having. Nat was the first to run in, followed by Peter who was more excited then he should've been.

"Bruce has the jet ready." Nat stated bluntly as she watched the others swiftly put away their food and rush out the door. Peter was on Tonys heels as they all speed walked to the jet.

"Am i coming too?" Peter asked with puppy dog eyes, hope sparking in his chest.

"No kid sorry this is a job for the adults but next time i swear." Tony said as the others suited up on the jet.

"Please! Im almost an adult Mr.Stark im 17, i can handle myself you know im stronger then most of them here!" Peter looked at Tony with those eyes he knew Tony found hard to resits, god he loved that kid.

"Fine but best behaviour okay!" He yelled the end of his sentence because Peter had already hoped on the jet to get suited up. Tony rolled his eyes, smiling as he hoped on the jet too, taking a seat next to where Peter had thrown his jumper. Eventually Peter emerged from the jets bathroom wearing his spandex suit.

"Why do you never wear the iron one i gave you Pete?" Tony questioned.

"Cause its nice and all but this one's more...comfy? No offence Mr.Stark!" Peter said awkwardly.

"But it's more protective!" Tony explained.

"Sorry Mr.Stark, this one's just better."

"Okay if you say so Pete." He smiled as the boy sat next to him.

The flight only lasted 5 minutes before they landed in the commotion, all of them running out ready to fight.

"Okay Steve, Wanda, you take those four. Nat, Clint and Bruce you take that group and me and Pete will take on these three." As the rest split off Tony turned to Peter. "You stick to me like glue okay? Don't leave my sight." Tony commanded as he guided them both to the four creatures.

What happened next was blurry to Peter. There was four alien things fighting them and then there were three, then two, then one and just as they stopped to take a breather, Tony was swarmed, there must have been a dozen of them, piled on him and clawing at his suit. Peter sprung into action as he fought to pull them off his mentor, punching and webbing and kicking as they fought back harder. Peter called for back up over coms as he kicked one off him, watching it get back up and dart towards him. He could hear the clanking of Tonys suit as he attempted to break free.

Peter squirmed under the alien, kicking it off and bolting upright, ready to web this bitch. The creature sprinted towards him, claws out and ready to attack. It sliced Peters chest open and kept going for more as Peter knocked a punch into the side of it. His stance loosened a little, his chest stinging and his head spinning as he went to check if it was dead, but before he could he was knocked full pelt into a wall. Black spots danced around his vision as he pushed with all his will to escape from the creatures claws. He was slammed into the wall again, this time hitting his side. Thats when it happened. A piercing pain shot through his knee as he struggled to fight off the alien. He swung a punch and knocked it out cold, then got up and went to help Tony without hesitation. As soon as he tried to walk though, he immediately fell, his knee buckling and his hands sharply stopping his head from slamming into the pavement. He layed on his back, leg in the air and clutching his knee. His head was pounding and his chest and knee were screaming with pain. He couldn't get up as the dizziness overtook him. He was loosing blood and he must've been cut bad if his super healing wasn't kicking in yet.

"Spiderman? Kid look at me!" He heard a familiar voice say. He looked to his left to see Steve kneeling beside him. "Cmon kid lets get you in the jet." He helped peter to his feet despite the protests.

"But...Tony he needs our help!" Peter tried to walk away to find Tony but Steve pulled him back.

"Hes okay, all the creatures are dead hes on the jet waiting for you." He led Peter up the jet and bruce was waiting there for them, helping Peter onto a cot.

"Hey Peter, what hurts?" Bruce asked gently, pulling Peters mask off.

"Hit my head, and my knee, im pretty sure my chest got sliced." He replied, the pain easing a little as his super healing kicked in.

"Yeah i noticed your chest. What hurts most?"

"My knee, i tried to help but i couldnt walk over." He said, tears welling in his eyes. He wished he still had his mask on.

"Not your fault, those things were nasty, caught most of us." He looked over to some of the other injured avengers, all sitting and cleaning wounds. Bruce walked over to Peters knee as he examined it, earning a few winces from Peter. "It's dislocated. I need to set it back into place before your healing kicks in and heal it like that."

"What?" Peter looked horrified. "Is it going to hurt?" He voice shook a little.

"Probably more then when it got dislocated but its going to be worth it, you dont want it healing like that, trust me." Bruce explained.

"Wheres Mr.Stark? I want his opinion." Peter remarked.

"Right here Pete you can drop the attitude." Tony laughed.

"Im so sorry i couldnt help you Mr.Stark i tried to get over to you but my stupid knee, i shouldve listened to you im so sorry you were right im not old enough im so sorry please dont be mad!" Peter rambled, anxiety pulsing through him as he awaited his mentors response.

"Peter. Im not mad at you, at all, so drop that thought. I got hurt to, everyone gets hurt all the time its just a matter of weather on not you can handle it. I wouldnt have said yes if i didnt think you could handle it." Tony replied, looking at Peter and grabbing his hand.

"I hate to interrupt this special moment but your super healings kicking in double time, if i dont reset it now its going to be stuck like this forever." Bruce said bluntly.

"Do it" Peter said sharply as he clutched Tonys hand. The pain was worse, way fucking worse and Peter could've sworn he saw the after life for a second, but it was over so fast and god he had to admit the ease of pressure in his knee felt good. Bruce strapped up his knee in a support for the time being and took care of the huge cuts on his chest, (which gave Peter a pretty gnarly scar after it was healed) and gave him some super strength pain meds for his concussion.

When they got back to the tower most of the avengers were taken to the med bay, including Peter and Tony, who were treated and kept in for an hour or two.

"Still want to go on the next mission Underoos?" Tony laughed.

"Hell yeah."


Guess whos back!!! Sorry its been so long 😦
Hope you guys liked this!!

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