Peter migrane at conference

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Aunt May is not alive so Tony and Pepper have shared custody over Peter.
Peter was super nervous today. He had a conference with Tony to discuss how Tony adopted Peter and all that stuff. Peter was dreading it, he already had a headache, and a nauseous feeling. He slumped out of bed and too the kitchen where Pepper was making some pancakes for everyone. Peter really didn't want to eat but he knew he needed energy for today. Pepper said good morning and placed a plate of pancakes, coated in maple syrup, in front of Peter. Usually this would be peters favourite, but today he was feeling ill and the thought of eating the sweet stickiness was making his stomach hurt. He forced himself to eat it and managed to keep it all down as his head pounded and his ears rang. He put on a smile and thanked Pepper for the food. He went back upstairs to get dressed and after he was ready he layed on the bed. He still had like 10 minutes so he decided he would try and rest, maybe sleep off the headache.

Peters eyes flustered open as Tony shook him awake.

"Kid cmon its time to go, Happys out front with the car!" He smiled and walked away as Peter stood up to go. His head pounded and his eyes ached, everything was brighter then usual. He walked out the doors to the front steps where Tony was waiting by the car. Peter smiled and waved at Happy, trying his best not to show his discomfort. He hopped in the back, followed by Tony and Happy stepped on the gas and off they went. Peter rested his eyes the whole way there, causing Tony to notice how sleepy he was. When they arrived there were loads of reporters and paparazzi, flashing photos and gesturing at Peter. This did nothing to help his headache and he just felt worse and worse. They made it into the building and sat in their seats. Reporters and news people where filling the room and Peters headache was not leaving. He was really stressed out now, his headache making it worse and people yelling wasn't helping. He was fidgeting with his hands as Tony held them under the table. Tony had experience with anxiety and he knew how stressful this must be for the boy i mean he's only young. His mum and dad dead, his aunt and uncle. Now he was being adopted by a millionaire and being swarmed by reporters just a few days after the adoption was made official.

After a while the noise finally died down and Peter was slightly relieved. The reporters were allowed one question at a time. The first one was for Tony.

"Why did you adopt him?" The person said.

"Well he's like family now and we love him a lot and his aunt passed away a few months ago and we decided to take him in. He was already family but now we just made it official." Tony explained. Peter felt sad remembering aunt May but he was also happy to hear Tony's words. The next questions was for Peter but he really didn't want to talk right now, his head was way worse then it was a half hour ago and now the sick feeling was getting worse too.

"How did your aunt die?" The reporter said. Peter looked at Tony who looked at him like he was trying to tell him he didn't have to answer that question. Peter cleared his throat and moved closer to the microphone.

"Uhm, well she uhm she had cancer and i guess she lost." Peter felt tears prickle his eyes and he just blinked them away.

"What about your parents why dont your have parents." Some random person shouted from the back of the room. There where murmurs of agreement from the crowd. Peters head was pounding now and he could hear his heart in his head. The lights were so bright and he was feeling really nauseous now.

"I uhm well they were...on uhm a plane and then uhm..." he paused and tried to swallow his tears and his nausea at the same time. Tony noticed him go pale and grasped his hand to comfort him. The reporters were getting louder now and they were yelling the same question about his parents over and over and peters breathing was getting worse.

"Uhm uhm i uhm..." Peter tried to answer but he was scanning the room and looking at all the reporters. He couldn't take it anymore and he grabbed his head and rubbed his temples as the light went brighter. Tony was getting worried now as the boy rested his head in his arms and the room died down as they became concerned for the child. Peter looked up and realised all eyes were on him and he went red as a wave of embarrassment came over him and he was frozen in his seat. He was sitting there but not for long when he felt the nausea rise to his throat and he pushed out his chair and ran back to his dressing room. He ran to the bathroom and sat on the cold tiles. He leaned over the toilet, waiting for his stomach to let out but nothing came up.

Tony watched as the kid ran out of the room and he knew something was wrong. He excused himself from the room and went to find Peter, but he wasn't in his dressing room. Thats when he heard the quiet gagging from the bathroom and he knocked on the door asking to come in. He heard a small yes from the other side of the door, so he opened the door and saw a small Peter on the floor, head over the toilet.

"What happened kid?" Tony asked as he came and sat by Peter.

"I don't know I feel sick and my head hurts like hell. I cant see well and my eyes hurt so bad." Peter said and he tried to heave into the bowl.

"Sounds like a migraine?" Tony said in a sympathetic voice. "Cmon let's go home." Tony picked up the kid and helped him to the car. The paparazzi were trying to take photos of the kid who was now sweating and shaking. Tony shut the car door and yelled at the paparazzi to back off. Tony sat next to Peter and happy drove off home. The whole car ride home, Peter was holding his head as the light shined through his hands. When they arrived home Tony helped the kid to bed and Bruce done a quick check over. He agreed with Tony about the migraine and they let the kid rest while Tony went to get him some water. He put the glass on peters bed side table and bent down to tuck him in.

"I'm so sorry I made you do this kid. Goodnight." Tony said as he walked out the room.

"Night dad." Peter said as his dad closed the door. 

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