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Peter lives at the avengers tower with aunt May. Tony and Peter have a father son relationship but they refuse to admit it.

Peter woke up, his eyes feeling puffy. He hadn't slept much the night before. Lately he had been feeling down and he wasn't sure why, he couldn't cry either so all his feelings where bottled up inside him. He couldn't tell anyone because he didn't want to seem week and he didn't want to disappoint Tony. He got out of bed and decided he had no effort to shower so he threw on some sweats and a baggy shirt. He dragged himself down to the kitchen where Wanda was teaching aunt May how to make her favourite cookies. Peter searched the draws but didn't really want to eat. So he grabbed a glass of orange juice and sat at the table, watching Wanda and aunt May bake.

"Wanna join?" May said.

"Yeah cumon it'll be fun!" Wanda said and she seemed really exited but Peter was in no mood to bake right now. He just wanted to sleep, or lay in his bed at least.

"Sorry ive got homework but maybe later!" Peter said. He wasn't lying he did have homework and he really needed to do it. He went upstairs leaving his juice on the table and he opened his laptop. He started on the homework and did the first half in about 30 minutes, give or take. He had enough for now and he shut the laptop, rubbed his eyes and stared at the wall for a few seconds before dragging himself up to pee. After he finished peeing and washing his hands he sat on the edge of his bed. He really needed to do the homework but it was getting to much. He pushed through his thoughts and he opened up the laptop again and started working out the questions. After about 10 minutes he started to get really stressed because he couldn't figure out a usually easy question. He chucked his laptop off his lap and to the side and he rubbed his eyes. He sat on the edge of the bed, elbows resting on his knees and his hands supporting his head.

"Kid?" Peter hadn't realised Tony was now in the room and Tony had come to ask if he wanted to join training but he could tell something was up.

"Are you crying? Its okay if you are everyone cries." Tony said trying to figure out why the boy looked so sad. Peter lifted his head and Tony saw his red puffy cheeks.

"Peter?" Peter couldn't hold it in anymore and his body finally let him cry. He fell into Tony's arms and they sat on the floor cuddling while Peter sobbed uncontrollably for about 15 minutes before he finally calmed down.

"I'm sorry." Peter said between sniffs.

"What for kid, you have nothing to be sorry for. Can you tell me why your crying though? I'm not going to be mad at you if you have done something Pete." Tony said, stroking the kids hair as he held Peter in his arms and gently rocked.

"I just- I- i dont know i just feel so shitty.." Peter said before sobbing again. "I have no energy for anything I feel like there's no point in living I just feel so sad all the time!" Peter said before bawling his eyes out yet again. Tony's heart broke in two when he heard Peter say this.

"Shh shhh sh its okay kid I know that feeling and it feels like it will never go away but trust me, it gets better. I really hope I can help in anyway and im really proud of you for telling me, how long have you felt this way?" Tony asked and he continued to stroke peters hair.

"4 months or something." Peter said, feeling guilty for not telling Tony. He must admit that telling Tony was scary but a part of him felt a little better knowing someone knew how he was feeling.

"I know that when I tell you that it gets better your probably not listening, I know every parent says that. But I want you to know that I'm always here for you and we will get through this together and im not going to push you at all okay kid. If you need a brake just tell me and we can chill out and watch mindless crap all day and have loads of fun." Tony said trying to bring some comfort to the boy.

"Thank you. Wait, you said parent. Are you like my parent?" Peter asked.

Tony was shocked for a second. He didn't even realise he had said that. "Yes, I suppose i do look at you like my child. I really do love you kid." Tony said. He meant it, he loved the kid like his own.

"I love you too, Tony..." the boy said before drifting off in Tony's arms.

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