Karaoke night with the avengers

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Aunt May is not alive so Tony and Pepper have custody of Peter.

Peter was so exited. It was Friday and the avengers had arranged to do a karaoke night. He arrived at the tower, and walked up to the living room where he found, Tony, Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Clint, and Steve. Bruce was there but he was doing some work in the corner.

"Ahh man of spiders! Just in time, sit sit we are setting up the sound box thingy!" Thor said as he switched on the microphone and got loud feedback. Peter flinched because of his heightened senses but he was fine after a few seconds.

"Ok! All set who's first?" Natasha said as she looked at Tony with a smirk. "Ohhhh Tonyyyyyy..." Natasha said in a playful voice. Tony sighed and got up. Peter already knew what song he was going to pick. Back in black. Peter was right. Tony sang back in black and they all chuckled at his not good but not bad singing. Next up was Natasha and she wanted peter to duet with her. Peter was a bit worried but he sighed and went for it. Peter let Natasha choose the song because he didn't really care.

"American pie!" Natasha said. Peter smiled and looked at the screen that had all the lyrics on it. He had never sung this song before and he was a little worried. He held the microphone in his hand and they started to sing. It was fun and Natasha was a really good singer! The song had finally ended and peter went to put his microphone down. Shit, he thought as he realised the microphone was stuck to his hand. Stupid spider bite, peter thought as he just stood their, microphone in his hand.

"Pete you want another go?" Tony said because Peter was still holding the microphone, standing there.

"Oh uhhhh yeah sure!" Peter said as he let out an annoyed sigh. He didn't want another go but oh well it was his only choice. He decided to sing "come and get your love" with Thor and Peter was starting to get tired but his hand was still stuck to the stupid microphone. After the song had finished he tried discreetly to get the microphone of his hand but it wouldn't budge. He thought about telling Tony but he was to embarrassed.

"I didn't know you liked singing so much kid?" Wanda said and she took Thor's place and Peter stood in the same spot he had been in for about 10 minutes now. He was getting really tired especially because it was hot and he could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead. He sung another song with Wanda and they sung "American boy". Peter tried the microphone after the song but it was still stuck to his hands. This is really annoying why did it have to happen now, he thought.

"I wanna duet with Wanda!" Clint said.

"Yeah Peter maybe you should let someone else have a turn now." Tony said. Peter blushed as he knew he would have to tell them about the situation. It was really embarrassing for him. He walked down and slumped on the sofa next to everyone as they looked at him. He held his hand out that had the microphone in and he shook it.

"I cant let go..." he said in a shy voice.

"What do you mean?" Steve said, confused.

"It's stuck. Cause of my spider bite." He said as his face went red. "I couldn't get it off so I just sang songs and hopped it would unstick i guess but I hasn't. I don't know what to do." Peter said and he looked at Tony thinking Tony would be mad but instead he saw Tony looking at him with a sympathetic look.

"You should have told us, we wouldn't have minded!" Wanda said as she walked over to him and tried to pull off the microphone. Wanda looked and Thor who then tried as well and it did budge, but not enough.

"Bruce! You got a tool for this?" Tony said.

"Yeah follow me kid." Bruce said and he led Peter and Tony to the lab. Bruce used his tools to unstick the microphone and Peter was so relieved.  (Im sorry if this was like really undetailed I have no clue what I'm writing about tbh) His hand was sweating and his wrist hurt like hell. His fingers felt good as the stretched after being bent for so long.

"Sorry Tony." Peter mumbled. He was starting to feel bad for not telling Tony.

"Kid don't be sorry it's not your fault. Though I wish you had told me sooner." Tony said as he smiled at the boy.

"I wish I had to im not going to lie, my hand hurts." Peter said as he chuckled. Tony and Peter returned to the living room and all eyes turned to Peter, who smiled and blushed a bit.

"Wow. Never thought I'd see that hand again." Clint joked, Peter chuckled and playfully hit him. Peter didn't get up and sing again but he did enjoy watching his friends sing. Especially his dad!

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