Chapter 19

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Since that day, they had not spoken to each other. While Geetha stepped out of the house everyday for vegetables or groceries, Ramit stayed cooped up in one single room. He went out to get his food into his room and that was the only time she ever saw him. He did not even eat with her. He completely stopped taking any medicines either, despite her leaving them at his door. He had shifted his clothes too. She'd hear him talking sometimes and it seemed to be about Hidden.

On the seventh day Ramit got ready and drove away without a word to her. She also did not say anything. She knew he would ignore her anyway. So what was the point?

At night, he returned well after 9:00 P.M. while Geetha was lazing on the couch watching the TV. She had had a lonely dinner like everyday. "Did you go to the office?" she asked. Once again, silence was his reply. Where were they going staying mute like this? They were simply wasting time. Oh, how she hated that!

"How long are you going to keep silent?" Even if he was acting like this to get back at her for not talking to him when you spoiled her ticket, this was enough. She did it once. He did it countless times and for such long periods.

When he did not give any reaction, she turned off the TV and got up from the couch. "Behave like an adult. What fun do you get out of this? You've made me wait enough. Now speak."

He turned around and parted his lips, but pressed them back together and turned away. Geetha gave the back of his head a dead stare and strode to him and stood in his way.

"What?" He snapped at her.

She took in a breath and said, "I have no job now so how about I help out at your company? Do you have any positions open?" She was an MBA graduate in International Business Management and Hidden was an international business. Daily she listened to him when he was on the phone and it seemed like work was hectic on his side. She could earn some money and see how he would keep silent when they would be working alongside each other.

"There's nothing that suits you!"

"Of course there won't be anything that suits me, but I suit so many jobs, alright?"

While she sounded like a complete narcissist, Ramit knew she was right. She may have only spent a couple of years in the corporate world but she made sure she learned everything she could. That was how she already had one promotion at her previous work at what many considered an age too young. Moreover, reading and learning was such a favourite hobby that she had even ignored him. She was confident in her knowledge and skills.

He glared at her but she looked on at him, waiting for him to speak. Finally, he said, "You can find a high paying job anywhere else."

"I want to work for Hidden." Since her life got so disrupted anyway, she should take this as a chance to explore new things and not just go back. To her this was an omen, her intuition told her. Moreover, he would have to speak with her this way.

"No. I don't like it. All you know to do is make enemies. Vyan is still sulking about that design sometimes."

What did he mean he didn't like it? Whether he liked it or not, she was still a legitimate shareholder. But she knew she did not have the moral ground to speak about them as she got them for free. "I told him it was a joke. Moreover, according to a study being blunt can actually help you make better first impressions. I tried to change it, but then I knew it could actually be useful, especially in business settings."

"Other's feelings don't matter to you, do they?"

She silently sighed. Forget about others, her own feelings did not matter to her. "I didn't say anything wrong. Do you know how many chocolates I ate that day?"

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