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"KATIEEEE" you yelled out, trying to find your older sister, since she was old enough to live on her own and take care of you, you decided to live with her. She was moving to a place called Addison Apartments in North Carolina in a town called nockfell and since you guys lived in Nevada it would take about a day and 12 hours to get there (I did my research loll). Since you guys were moving this Saturday you thought she would be packing but you were very wrong. You went outside to check if she was there and boy was there drama, "KATIE, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? I LOVED YOU AND NOW YOUR LEAVING ME?" you heard your sisters boyfriend yell at her "Hey dickhead, stop yelling at my sister you dumb rat" you told him and he just scoffed "We're breaking up! Your so toxic!" your sister said as she slapped her now ex boyfriend.

You both went inside "Sis, get your things ready, we're moving tomorrow!" she told as she left to go to her room, "You immediately ran over to your friends house to tell them the news, since they both lived together cause their parents are married and they lived together and they were your only friends. Max hugged you as she started crying with you and Alex joined you guys, he practically picked you up just to hug you "Let's hang out all together today" Max said as she hugged you again "Ok, but at my house cause I still got packing to do!" you told them with a little chuckle.

You were all now at your house and in your room, you had two boxes and two suitcases and one backpack and one purse to pack things in, "Damn dude, what are you going to take?" Alex asked as he smiled at you, you started packing clothes in the suitcases, movies and songs, and your cd and vhs  player in one box, and put books and drawing materials in the other, though you didn't have a lot of drawing materials because you weren't really good at art and since you prefer writing, and you also took some board games "Hey sis" you yelled out looking at the door and then at your friends and then she came in "Yes what do you need, oh also here have this" and then she threw a slightly bigger box at your head "OW and also how are we going to bring things like beds and tvs and things like that?" you asked taking the box of your head "Moving van" your sister replied and then left, your friends giggled at your hair, "Why are you two laughing" you said as you sat on your head next to them, "Your hairs a mess y/n" Max said trying to fix your hair, "That reminds me I need to get my hair brush and tooth brush and thingys" you said as you ran of to the bathroom, and gathering all your supplies, and then you returned with your hands full of things, like shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush. You put them all in the box and smiled at your friends "Thanks for the help Max!" you exclaimed now taking off the extra pillows of your bed and getting the spare blanket from your drawer, you put the blanket in your suitcase cause there was still enough space for it and put the spare pillows in the box your sister threw at your head, you were also making sure to use the space correctly (y'know what I mean right?) and putting everything in a clean way. After about 2 hours of hanging out with our friends and packing it was now time for them to leave. Max, Alex and you hugged each other so tight "I'm going to miss you so so much y/n, don't forget about us!" Max said starting to tear up, after you started crying, Alex did the same thing "I will never forget you guys!" you said just as you remembered something, "WAIT HERE!" you yelled out to your friends running to your room and grabbing something and then running back "Your Polaroid camera?" Alex looked at you confused "For the memories! Katie can you take three pictures of us?" you asked your sister handing her the camera "Why three?" she asked confused, but still going trying to find the best way to take this picture "One for each of us!" you replied giggling and you and your friends all hugged each other. Your sister handed you guys the pictures and you all looked so cute, "I love you guys so much and I'll forever miss you" you told them and Max burst out crying, you and Alex doing the same, your parents and sister were now staring at you guys, your sister was kinda weirded out by the whole thing so she just handed each kid their picture and you your Polaroid camera back and went upstairs to continue packing. Max and Alex finally left and you had just finished having dinner with your family, you went to take a shower and to get ready for the night. You did a little rearrangement to the boxes to fit all of your cats things.

Time skip to morning

"Y/n, get up, we gotta leave soon!" your sister was shaking you and you just stared at her but then got up,she left the room so that you could get changed, you chose to wear (you can either choose this or something else, idc) a black pleaded skirt with black knee high sock and a long-sleeved oversized white sweater, you finally came out of your room and helped your sister and parents taking boxes outside, you also chose what things of your you want in the car, you chose the box with you cats things in it and the box with the music tapes, you also decided (no I did heheheheehhehe) to put both suitcases in the moving truck and shoved a spare change of clothes in your bag, and some of the music tapes aswell (y'all I'm sorry if I mess anything up but like I'm pretty sure Sallyface takes place in the 90s, anyways back to me messing things up, I don't know a lot about the 90s so i have been doing so much research rn) you put mittens in his cage and put him in the car, you sister also took a box of things and her suitcase with her clothes. There was now many boxes and furniture in the moving van. You hugged your parents good bye and started crying, "I'll miss you guys" you cried even harder now, "Aw baby, we'll miss you too!" your mum replied crying, it was pretty rare to see your dad cry but he did and he wasn't happy he was crying either, especially since his kids were leaving them, as you were about to go to the car you saw Max and Alex running towards you, Max hugged you first, crying super hard and Alex did the same, you cried with them and you all promised to never forget each other. And with that you and your sister got in the car and drove off.

Did you guys like it? Anyways I definitely like this story much better anyways byeeeeeeee


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