Basic Girl

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Today has been a long day. I went to school from 8 to 4 and now I'm at work. It’s a Friday so its busy as hell tonight. I'm bummed because there is a Chris Brown concert and I really wanted to go, I'm a huge fan , I follow him on twitter and instagram. Instead I'm stuck here with a fake ass smile on my face dealing with rude ass customers. I walk up to a table with an entourage of guys being loud as hell. I really wasn’t paying attention to all there faces when I finally look up I see a guy with red hair, I immediately recognized his as red man, and a skinny ass nigga who had to be Tyga. I look over and I see the man of my dreams Chris Brown. I try to control myself playing off like I'm not beyond excited to see him. On the other side of him was his security guard Pat, but they call him Big Pat. I introduce myself " Hi my name is Journey and I'll take your order whenever y'all are ready." Tyga looks up and says "Hey Journey I'm Tyga but they call me king can I have your number?" I'm like "ah no." His boys bust out laughing and he says " dang Journey you gonna dis me in front of my crew?" I smile, "no sir you asked a question and I gave you an answer. Then Chris speaks up, "well hi Journey I would like a double cheese burger with mustard all the way with onion rings and a sprite." Everybody else gave me there orders. As I walked away Tyga grabs my hands and says "you really aint going to give me your number?" I'm like "yeah really" and I walk away. I come back to the table with their food. Tyga and Chris are rapping tatted like a mexi, I listened as they rap. I bust out laughing at the end when tyga says " belly button tatted up you know me". Chris looks up smiling big causing my heart to skip a beat. He winks at me causing me to blush.

When I come back to there table I grab there plates and I given them there total. I tell them to have a great night and as they are leaving Chris calls my name. I walk over to see what he needs. He asks me for my number and I was like "I'm not giving it to you’re if you going to give it to Tyga." He smiles, " naw its for me." I look at him, "and why should I give you my number."Chris grins and say "we have a connection." I start to blush as I give him my number. A big grin spreads across his face and he winks at me as he leaves.

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