Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next morning Nicole and I woke up to make they boys breakfast. I met Nicole down stairs we was still in our pjs. We decided to make blue berry pancakes and regular pancakes. Since Nicole didn’t like pancakes I decided to make her French toast with powdered sugar. We had bacon, eggs ,and fruit for the sides. I had coffee, orange juice and milk for them to choose from. As we finish setting everything up we realize the boys haven’t gotten up ye,t usually every time they smell food they break the necks getting to the kitchen. So Nicole and I walk back upstairs to wake the guys up. Nicole went into Wayne’s room and I walked into Chris room climbing on him kissing him on the neck telling him to get up. He groans and I kissed his neck again saying "babe get up I made you and Wayne breakfast". He groans "what time is it?" I said "8". Chris groans, "why are you up so early." He rubs sleep out of his eyes. I said "because Nicole and I made you guys breakfast and then later we are going hiking so get yo ass up." He pulls me under him kissing on my neck as he squeezes my ass, I started giggling telling him to stop cause Nicole and Wayne was waiting on us. He finally let me go and we walked down stairs and walked into the kitchen seeing Nicole and Wayne talking and kissing each other. I said "its to early for all that." Nicole just rolls her eyes and Wayne called me a hater. I said never that. Finally as we got settle we ate breakfast and talked about what we was going to do today I told them we was going hiking Wayne didn’t like the idea I told him he needed to try something new. As we sat at the table eating and talking there was only one pancake left of course Chris and Wayne started arguing who got the last one. Nicole and I ignored them as they argued we got up went back upstairs to get ready for our hike. I decided I wanted to wear some yoga shorts and a neon purple sport bra and a neon lime green scoop neck tank top over it and through my hair in a pony tail and put on my neon purple Nike shoes. Nicole decided to wear some yoga pants and a white sports bra with a pink tank top over it with her pink Nike shoes she also put her hair in a pony tail. When we was done we went back downstairs and waited on the boys to come down. When they finally came downstairs it was after 10. I had decided we was going to go hike at Runyon Canyon Park. The ride on there way there was eventful cause the whole time Wayne was mad cause hiking wasn’t his thing and Chris started calling him a pussy they started going back forth. It was funny at first but then they started getting on my damn nerves, I told them both they need to shut the fuck up cause all they do is argue. Nicole said" y’all need to leave my baby alone." I said "exactly that’s what he’s acting like a damn big baby." After that we sat in silence, once we arrived at our destination we got out. I told the guys they needed to stretch. Wayne said he didn’t need to stretch I said "ok when yo ass start cramping don’t start crying to us". Nicole and I started stretching our legs and I look behind us Wayne and Chris was staring at our asses with huge grin on there faces. I'm like "really y’all two, ya'lls asses need to be stretching .Chris said "I am stretching." I said "I can’t tell when your eyes is glued to my ass." Nicole just looks at Wayne and shakes her head. After we got done stretching we looked at what obstacle we wanted to do but Wayne didn’t want to really hike so Nicole decided she will go with Wayne on the easy obstacle. We went our separate ways. Chris and I went on the hard obstacle where there was a bunch of hills and shit, we started out walking and talking. I told him we should jog some. After our muscles was loose and warmed up we walked a mile then we started jogging the rest of the 4 miles. It was hard obstacle, of course my thighs was burning and my calf muscles was hurting but I pushed myself. Chris was taken it like a gee since he works out more than I do. Once we was almost at then end we decided to walk to cool down. I had my hand on my head breathing out of my nose cause I was dogged tired. Chris asked me if I was ok. I told him yeah and that I know im going to be extra sore so I need to make sure I stretched once we made it back to where we started from. Making it back I started stretching and massaging my muscles. 15 minutes later Nicole and Wayne showed up I asked them what took them so long and Nicole pointed at Wayne, saying slow ass over here was walking like a granny and I didn’t get to run like I wanted too. I started laughing I said well I got a great work out Nicole and Wayne butted in saying I bet you did. I rolled my eyes saying anyways, the course we took didn’t play. After we climbed back into the SUV. It was after 1 and we decided to go eat lunch at a café. Even though we was sweaty we decided to eat outside. Once we arrived we was seated and a menu was handed out to each of us. I decided to get a spinach salad with shrimp and water to drink, Nicole decided to get a California salad with a sweet tea, Chris and Wayne got salmon with asparagus on the side they both got water too. We ate and talk and after we finish I paid for our check even though it made Chris and Wayne mad. I told them to shut up if it makes them feel any better they could leave the tip. Once I stood up I hissed because I was so sore and Nicole and them look at me and asked me if I was ok. I said yeah I was just sore. Once we made it back we all to a long hot shower I put on a black pyramid shirt and some cotton shorts and put on some ankle socks and walked down stairs. Nicole and Wayne decided to take a nap upstairs. Chris and I was the only one up, he was watching sports center and I was reading a story on watt pad on my Iphone. When I finally looked up Chris was sleep so I got up and move to the window seat and finished reading and the next thing you know I fell asleep too. When we all woke up it was time to for dinner. Nicole and I decided to make dinner tonight we are having shake n bake chicken breast with yeast rolls, fried cabbage, green beans, and velveeta cheese. As Nicole and I was preparing dinner Chris and Wayne was in the other room playing the play station 3. When dinner was ready we told them to come eat they said what are we eating it looks delicious. I said this what we eat in east texas. They started laughing and took there first bite and said this shit was good as hell. We sat around talking as we ate after we finish eating the guys decided to wash the dishes since we cooked which surprised us both. We said ok Nicole and I went outside on the patio talking and sippin on some wine. I asked her if she was doing ok and asked her how was it being with Wayne. She said she thinks she’s in love, I said me too girl which scares the shit out of me. I feel like things are going really fast but then again I like the ways things are going. I just don’t want to end up hurt you know I told her. We quit talking as the boys joined us with there beers we all talked and laugh and we decided to call it a night. The next day we got up and just chilled at the house. Nicole and I been in LA for 5 days already and Wayne had a few shows coming up, so he would leave to go to rehearsals and Nicole would go with him. I notice Chris was getting phone calls and he would leave and go talk in the other room. I was just assuming it was business related so I really didn’t pay attention. Two days went by so Nicole and I been in LA for a week now, time flies by when you are having fun. Nicole and Wayne was gone to one of his rehearsals so Chris and I decided to go out on date if that what you wanted to call it. He was taken me to Cecconi’s which was a Italian restaurant so I decided to wear my lexie skinny crop pants in ponte with a lace-back asymmetrical tunic with black shimmer sandal heels. I wore my hair down and I decided to go with a natural look with my make up. Once I got downstairs Chris was waiting on me he wore a leather snapback a indigo Chiron London shirt with some washed skinny jeans and air Jordan 3’s. He looked sexy he gave me a hug and a peck on the lips telling me I look beautiful as usual I smiled saying thank you he escorted me to his black tricked out range rover and drove us to Cecconi’s. Once we arrived he handed his keys to the valet guy as we walked in we was greeted by a hostess she lead us to a private table in the back and handed us our menu and said our waiter will be with us soon. As we looked over the menu he asked if I wanted wine I said sure as we looked at the wine choices we decided on a white chardonnay. I decided to get the spaghetti lobster and Chris got Garganelli Bolognese. When our waiter arrived we told him what wine wanted and we both order sparkling water. He asked us if we was ready to order our dinner, we told him what we wanted. When the waiter left we started talking and Chris was telling jokes and being goofy and then he grabbed my hand and started rubbing it as we looked into each other eyes smiling. He said I’m so glad I met you causing me to blush. I told him I still feel like I’m in a dream. I told him I never listen to the media degrading him. I saw a sweet goofy sexy guy who can loose his temper when he is pushed at his max. He starts laughing "you think you got me figured out." I laugh saying "no I’m just saying from my point of view and what I see now you are so sweet and amazing and don’t let the stupid media make you 2nd guess who you are cause I like this person not Chris Brown the singer but Christopher Maurice Brown, that’s how I see you, don’t get me wrong I love your music, each songs fits some of my life. I feel like you telling people how you feel and what you are going through but most people can’t see that but trust me I hear you and I support you one hundred percent". He was speechless for a second told me to come here I lean over the table and he gave me a slow passionate kiss. Once we finished I sat down blushing. He says "Journey I never thought people was truly listening to my music but now I know that someone is listening." I smiled saying always. Once our food arrived we ate and talked and enjoyed each other company we decided to have dessert there so we shared a lemon cheesecake and berries. Once we finished Chris paid the tab and left a tip and escorted me out the restaurant. Once we left he asked me what I wanted to do I said well I just want to spend time with you so we went back to the house and cuddle and watched a movie. I was having a great time then his phone starting ringing he answered he tapped me letting me know he needed to get up. I was annoyed cause it was the same girl that called him last night. He stayed on the phone for like 20 minutes and he finally came in and said that they needed him at the studio. Even though I was upset I didn’t let it show I just said ok and grabbed my stuff and started walking upstairs. He stopped me before I took my first step and asked me if I was upset I told him no and he said he wouldn’t be gone long. I said ok he pecked my lips and left. I sighed and climbed the stairs since I was the only one here by myself cause Nicole was still gone with Wayne .I just put on my boxers and tank and went to sleep in Chris room when I woke up it was 3 in the morning and he still wasn’t back so I just got up and went to Nicole and I room and went back to sleep. When I woke up it was 11 in the morning and I got up and decided to take a shower and wash my hair and I let it air dry since I had good hair and it didn’t get nappy or fro out when it dried. I put on some love spell lotion and put on some charcoal fleece cheeky pants and a glamour pink lace bralette. I guess Chris and them was still sleep so I just made be a blueberry bagel with cream cheese and ate it washing it down with coffee. Once I was done nobody still got up so I just grabbed my iphone and plugged my purple dr dre beats in and listend to my itunes. As I sat on the window seat for some reason I just started crying cause deep down I know Chris is messing around with this girl that keeps calling. I decided since they was sleep I would put on my bathing suit and go tan. I picked out my fire coral demi top and matching bikini bottoms. I grabbed my sun tan lotion and my iphone and walked outside by the pool and lay out I put my sunglasses back on and put my headphones in and continued to cry until I couldn’t anymore. I didn’t hear the patio door opened cause I had my music up loud then I look up seeing Chris staring at me .He said :hey what are you doing." I said "what does it look like," I grabbed my things and got up I walked back in ignoring Chris. When I was about to walk in he grabbed me and asked me "what was wrong." I said "nothing." He sighs and said "well ok I just got back sorry didn’t mean to leave you hanging like that." I said hmm, we stood in awkward silence then. He said he was going to go lay down for a bit I just nod my head and turned around walked back up the stairs. When I went into the room I text Nicole and asked her where she was she said she was still with Wayne and they wouldn’t be back until tonight. I text her back ok and got in the shower to wash the sun tan lotion off and put back on the clothes I had on at first. I decided to just stay in Nicole’s and I room to watch tv. I must have fell asleep cause when I woke up it was like 5 and I was hungry. I peecked in on Chris and he was still sleep, so I walked in the kitchen and fixed me a BLT and grabbed a water and sat down and ate. I was so bored I didn’t feel like reading or watching tv and I just walked back upstairs and layed back down staring at the ceiling. I was in my on little world when Nicole walked in and told me to get dressed. I just stared at her at first and then got up without saying anything when I was about to get dressed I turned around and asked her where we was going she said to Wayne’s concert. I said ok I decided to wear my hair down in beach waves and I put on a Ombre orange Cold-shoulder print dress and nude mary jane pumps. Nicole must have dressed in Wayne’s room. I didn’t see her when I walked back into our room. I walked down stairs everybody was in the kitchen including Chris. I walked passed him to grab a water at of the ice box and Nicole mouth to me whats wrong I told her ill tell her later she nod her head ok. I told her she looked hot and that I saw wayne had brought you out of her shell. She had on a sheer neck halter top dress with her black and white city sandals heels, she wore her hair down in her natural curls. We took separate cars cause Nicole and Wayne was going to the next city over for his concert and there bags was already packe. So I had to ride with Chris, we rode in awkward silence. He looked at me saying "Journey." I looked at him like what. He said "what’s wrong?" I said "nothing." He said "its something you’ve been ignoring me since I came in this morning." I said I didn’t have anything to say and just stared out of the window. He sighs "I know you mad that I left you last night and I didn’t return until this morning." I sighed "yeah you right but its whatever." He said he was sorry and that he will make it up to me and I gave in and smiled at him and said ok. He told me to come closer and I did he pecked my lips and turned back to the road. Once we arrived at the arena I followed Chris back stage as we met up with Nicole and Wayne. Tyga and them was there when we got to the VIP lounge I greeted everybody and gave Nicole a hug and then she told me she needed to use the restroom. I rolled my eyes I knew she wanted to talk about earlier. I followed her and once we walked into the restroom she locked the door and I go on and tell her about our date night and how we came back to the house and cuddle up to watch movie then he got phone call from the same girl that kept calling him the other night. She told me maybe I was over thinking things. I told her yeah I guess but my gut was telling me I was right. But I told her we was good so she didn’t have to worry about me. Once we returned there was some chick all up on Chris she was pretty I wasn’t going to lie she had a black tight fitting tub top dress showing all her curves with red pumps. I walked up to Chris tapping him on the shoulder letting him know I was back he gave me hug and peck on the lips and wrapped his arms around my waist rest his hand on my ass. He introduced me to the girl, Melanie. She gave me a fake hi. The whole entire time we sat around talking she gave me the stank eye cause Chris was showing me affection. Soon we had to go to the VIP section in the arena cause Wayne concert was about to start I sat beside Nicole and thank god Melanie wasn’t in our section cause I was going toss that ass over the balcony if she keeps mugging me. I was having a great time watching Wayne and Chris perform. Chris only did one song which was look at me now and then he came to the VIP section with us as we watched Wayne perform. Once the Concert was over we met Nicole and Wayne for a late dinner and we went our separate ways. Once Chris and I made it back to his place his phone went off he took the call to another room. I went into his liquor pantry and made me a vodka and sprite cause I knew he was going to leave me by myself. He walked back in the kitchen saying "Journey I know I said was going to make it up to you but they needed me back at the studio." I just said whatever brushing by him and went upstairs and slam the door. I heard the front door close then I started crying taken my dress off and putting on a cami top and boy shorts and walked back down stairs grabbing the vodka just sitting at the table drinking since I was bored. I dranked until a passed out on the table. Chris came in around 6 in the morning waking me up yelling my name. I moaned when he said wtf are you doing, I said nothing sleeping. I groan he said "did you drink this whole bottle of vodka." I squinted at it said I guess I did, then I felt like I was about to throw up I ran pass Chris he smelled like weed and women perfume. I made it to the nearest restroom and he came in to check on me. I told him to leave me alone. He just said whatever and walked away. I started crying as I rinsed my mouth out I staggered back upstairs. I saw Chris door was opened he was passed out on the bed I shook my head. I walked to my room and brush my teeth and went back to sleep. I woke up to a note with a bottle of water an pain killers for my hangover and a note from Chris saying I had to go to an appointment I should be back in an hour I left some money on the table if you decided you wanted take out. I threw the letter back on the night stand I got up took a shower and laid back down cause I felt like crap. I must have fell back asleep again cause Chris came back from his appointment and woke me up and said I needed to eat something. I told him I wasn’t hungry to just leave me alone. He sighs and walked out of the room I started balling cause I can’t believe this was happening again first Michael cheated on me and now Chris. Even though we not a couple but I was his girl so I considered that he’s cheating on me. Chris must have heard me crying cause he came in and laid in the bed and wrapped his arms around me.He didn’t asked me why I was crying cause he knew why. He just held me. I cried myself back to sleep and when I woke up its was like 6 the afternoon. I got up to pee and I looked in the mirror my eyes was all red and puffy nose red and everything I looked horrible. I had raccoon eyes cause didn’t take my make up off from last night. I washed what was left off the make up I had on off took a quick shower through on some yoga pants and a tank top and walked down stairs and decided to make Chris and I something to eat since he was still sleep. I guess he smelt the food I was cooking so he came down stairs and walked into the kitchen wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck saying sorry he stood me up again. I just shook my head ok and said don’t worry about it as I was stirring the mash potatoes. I also was baking seasoned pork shops with celery and onions diced on top. Chris sighs "Journey I’m truly sorry," as he squeezed me in a tight hug from behind and kissed my neck. I cut everything off. I turned around and told him I was over it and I’m done talking about it and to go sit down cause dinner is ready. He smiled and kissed me and grabs two plates and our fork and knife and headed to the breakfast bar. I grab us both a sprite and sat it at the table and brought everything else to the breakfast bar we sat side by side eating. His phone started going off, he glanced at it then turned his phone off and sat it to the side. This made me smile and I kiss his cheek saying thank you. Once we finish eating he did the dishes as I went upstairs to take another shower since I cooked after I got out of the shower. I put on a cami top and some boy shorts and walked back down stairs. Chris changed into some basketball shorts with his shirt off and he made a little pallet on the floor he had candles lit with the lights dimmed and had music playing he had chocolate covered strawberries and champagne sitting out. I grinned has I walked in and asked him what was all this about he said I wanted to make up for neglecting you the last two nights. He told me to lay down on my stomach and he started squirting massage oil on me and giving me a massage and he was leaving little kisses as he went. After that he was done I was hot and bothered at that point. He handed me my champagne and then he started feeding me strawberries once I took a bite he leaned in and kissed me sucking on my lips getting the left over chocolate off my lips. I fed him some strawberries then we started making out he pulled me my tank off leaving me bear up top cause I didn’t have on a bra. He had seduction written all over his face. I laid back as he started kissing me and massaging my breast. He lean up and grabbed his champagne and started pouring between my breast then licked it up he poured some over my nipples and sucked it off. He yanked my boy shorts off then he pulled his off and started grinding between legs causing me to moan then he went down on me getting me extra wet he inserting to fingers and started fingering me as he sucked on my clitoris. I told him I wanted him so bad he put on a condom and slowly he made love to me. So much emotions was involved I knew then I was madly in love with him. We laid there for a little bit then it was time for round two and this time he fucked me, he was pounding me we had sex untill the sun came up then we went to sleep. When I woke up I was no longer in the living room I was in his bed but he wasn’t there he left note saying he went to go get us something to eat. I smiled thinking about last night I got up to take a shower. I was sore as hell cause he put it down on me. As I limp to my room to gets some clothes to take a shower I picked out a weathered blue jeans cheeky boyfriend shorts with a crop top and I picked out my under garments which was a red daring cheeky panties and a bra to match after I gathered all my things and headed to the shower. I took a long hot shower and washed up, I notice Chris left a love bites by both of my tattoos on my pelvis and they where all over my breast. I just giggled and I finished my shower got out put my hair in a messy bun. I put my clothes that I picked out and grabbed my phone walking downstairs. I was sitting at the breakfast bar texting Nicole asking her how things was going with Wayne and was she enjoying herself. I text Chris to see what was taken him so long he said he got called to the studio I didn’t even text him back so I just ordered take out and had it delivered. I was pissed cause I was stuck in the house with nothing to do. It was after 6 and I asked him when he was coming back he said and a little bit I just said ok. By the time I laid down it was after 12 in the morning. He still wasn’t back and when I woke up he was sleep. I didn’t even hear him come in. I laid down for a nap cause my head was hurting and when I woke up he was gone again. Iwas getting pissed. I walked into the kitchen he had a note hanging on the fridge saying if I wanted to come to the studio I can he left me the address and the keys to his range rover and he stated he already programmed the gps to take me to him and he gave me instructions how to work the gps. I text him saying I got his note but I don’t think I’m coming he said ok. So I sat around looking at nothing and I decided to text him and tell him I was coming. But I never got a reply so decided to go anyways. It only to me 20 minutes to get to the studio and when I got there I asked her girl who was sitting at the front desk which studio Chris was in. She told me where to go, once I got to the door I was going to knock but I heard a female voice so I just opened the door and I couldn’t believe what I saw Chris and some girl was making out. I couldn’t tell who it was until I yelled at Chris "is this why he couldn’t text me back?" He jumped up causing the girl to fall and when she looked up it was Melanie. I shook my head I told Chris fuck you and I took off the necklace he bought me and threw it at him and walked out tears started falling.He came running out of the room yelling my name. I ignored him and kept walking then he grabbed my arm and I just turned around and smacked the shit out of him and walked away leaving him dumbfounded I jumped back in his car going back to his place. Once I made it back I ran upstairs packing all my shit then I heard Chris run upstairs calling my name causing me to packed faster he came in the room. He started saying he was sorry but it didn’t mean anything. I just ignored him and grabbed my shit and walked passed him. He followed me down stairs and as I was about to opened the door he snatched me back I told him to get the fuck off me. I started yelling at him he had me stuck in the house by myself knowing damn well I didn’t know my way around LA and this whole time you sleeping with some other bitch. He tried to hug me but I pushed him out of the way and I said don’t fucking touching me. I just started screaming at him then everything went down hill from there. I hit a nerve and said that the media was right you think the world revolved around you and you can do whatever fuck you want and think its ok. I can tell that really made him mad cause next thing he said hurt me to the core. Why are you so upset he says we are just fucking you aren’t my girlfriend. I saw nothing but red and smacked the fucking shit out of him causing him shove me against the front door by neck telling me to keep fucking hands off him. All I know I was numb. I couldn’t believe he put his hands on me. I guess he came out of he rage cause he started apologizing telling me he didn’t mean to touch me like that and I just told him to get the fuck away from me. I already called a cab before hand and I heard them pull up and blow the horn. Chris told me not to go I said fuck you I never ever want to see you again, I hate you so much right now I saw the hurt in his eyes, I just grabbed my shit and left. I just told the driver to take me to the nearest hotel. Once I checked in and got my key I went into my room and just cried. I text Nicole and told her when she got back from Wayne’s concert I wouldn’t be there. I laid down and cried myself to sleep when I woke up I had like 40 miss calls and text from Chris, and Nicole call me like 20 times and left all 20 voice mails. I decided just to call Nicole back. Once she answered she started yelling why didn’t I answer my phone and what was going on. I told her all that happened and she said they was on there way back anyways and she will call me when she gets to the bottom of what happened. I was drained and didn’t feel like arguing so I just said ok and hung up. After I got off the phone with Nicole I got up to use the restroom I looked in the mirror and I saw a huge bruise forming around my neck where Chris grabbed me. I just shook my head and washed my face. I walked back into the room and turned on the tv and of course the first thing that popped up on tv was Chris Wayne Nicole and I at Melrose Avenue. I hurry up and changed the channel and put on a lifetime movie. I heard a knock at the door and it was Nicole. I opened the door to let her in once she saw the state I was in she gave me a hug and told me everything was going to be alright. I was bawling by this point where I couldn’t even talk I was so hurt. I calmed down enough where I could speak I told Nicole again what happened every detail and she said yeah when we got there it was a disaster Chris was throwing shit and Wayne asked what the fuck was going on and Where was Journey? Chris said she just left and he fucked up big time. Wayne asked why do you have a hand print on your face he said that Journey slapped the shit out of him twice in the same spot. Nicole went on to tell me she ask Chris was it true what I saw and did he choke me he put his head down in shame saying yes so she smack him across the face on there other side and started going off telling him that why the fuck he do that she’s been through so much bullshit and your ass decided to put your hands on her. After she finish telling me what happened we order room service and watched movies, until she got a text from Wayne asking if I was ok and if she was staying there. She told him no I wasn’t ok but I will be and that yeah she was going to stay cause I needed her and he said ok that he will bring her some clothes and that he wanted to talk to me. I told her it was ok if he came over as long as Chris didn’t come. We hear a knock at the door and it was Wayne he had Nicole’s over night bag and he had a bunch junk food in his other hand I asked him what’s that was for he said I know you girls like to eat chocolates when y’all hearts is broken I gave him a weak smile saying thank you has sat the stuff down. He turned me to and asked me how I was holding up and I said I’m ok. He saw the bruise on my neck and said that he went off on Chris for putting his hands on me.He ask me if I was done with Chris I told him as for right now yes my feelings hasn’t changed for him. I just can’t be around him right now and that we both said things we didn’t mean. He said you know the spring fest is coming up and Chris and I are performing and I want you to be there and you don’t have to worry about Chris just enjoy yourself. I told him I will think about it. I went into the bathroom to give Nicole and Wayne some privacy to talk I don’t know how long I was in the bathroom just thinking all heard was Wayne saying bye to me so I walked out giving him a side hug saying bye. Nicole and I stayed up eating chocolate and watching chick flicks on tv until we fell asleep. I woke up and looked at my phone to see what time it was and I saw that Chris had text me I didn’t even read it I just deleted it. I got up to use the restroom and when I came back Nicole was on the phone talking to somebody after she was done she told me to get dress cause we going to have a girl day out and that I didn’t need to be laying in bed all day depressed. I finally agreed to go. Nicole took me to the Argyle Salon & Spa it was exactly what I needed I had a great time after we finish we decided to grab a bite to eat. We both wanted Mexican food so we decided to go to El Compadre, it sounded interesting. Once we got there we asked to be seated outside we both got tortilla soup and coke to drink they placed salsa and chips on the table for us and we sat around talking. We both had our sunglasses on just talking then I hear a familiar voice calling my name it was tyga crazy ass and chyna was with him. So they joined us and he asked where was Wayne and Chris. I didn’t say anything Nicole said they was back at the house we decided we needed girl time so we came out by ourselves. Lunch was great Tyga had me crackin up I through my head back to laugh forgetting I had a bruise around my neck Chyna and tyga saw it and tyga went crazy asking what the fuck happened. I said I didn’t want to talk about it. I got up and Chyna followed me to the bathroom and she asked me what happened. I gave her the short version of what happened and she told me everything will work out and when she see Chris she was going to smack the back of his head. I laughed and told her thank you for checking on me she gave me a hug and we went back to our sits. After we was done eating we said bye and went our separate ways. Nicole and I went back to the hotel.

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