Chapter 22

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Pulling up to my condo I got out unlocking the door first then going back to grab my bags and other things. Changing into a sports bra and yoga shorts I yawned putting my hair up in a messy bun before I started putting my clothes up along with the new stuff I had bought. Deciding to be productive I put on a load of laundry and started making me something to eat. I had just got done putting together spinach cream cheese stuffed chicken breast putting it in the oven and was starting to boil water for my brown rice when there was a knock at my door. Rolling my eyes I shook my head wondering if it was Nicole coming to apologize.

Opening the door without even looking I opened my mouth to speak and froze, it was Chris. In shock the first thing I managed to say was "what are you doing here?" Chris looked down tucking his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, "I wanted to spend a little more time with you." I nodded my head confused, "oh ok," I was so speechless I just opened the door wider so he could come in.

Once we were inside I looked at him, "I thought you was going back to California bae." He shrugged, "I was but I decided I waned to spend more time with you, so I rented a car and drove up here." My heart did flip flops, "Awe babe," I said hugging him giving him a kiss. Chris grinned and me sniffing the air, "so what are you cooking it smells good in here." I shrugged, "I’m making stuffed chicken breast and brown rice are you hungry?" Turning I walked in the kitchen and to the stove and poured the brown rice in the boiling water. "Babe you look good right now," Chris said walking up on me and wrapping his arms around me." I bit my lip grinning, "I had to get comfortable, plus I’m doing laundry and washing clothes so you know. How long are you staying," I asked running my hands up and down his chest. Chris sighed, "a couple of days."

For some reason I totally blocked everything but my head as I stirred the brown rice. Glancing over my shoulder I looked at Chris, "you can go get comfortable baby, the tv should already be on ESPN." Chris nodded, "Alright imma go grab my clothes out of the car I’ll be right back." Head in the clouds I turn back to the stove checking on my rice before I pulled out some yeast rolls to go with our meal. Chris walked back in with his stuff taking it upstairs. When he finally came back down I waiting until I heard the tv before I brought him a beer.

Sitting next to him I kicked my feet up, "all I’m waiting on is the chicken and the rolls, it has another 20 minutes at most." Chris nodded, "Ok baby" he said as he took a drink of his beer, "so that gives us time to have a little playtime." I giggled as he started kissing my neck. "Chrisss baby I have to check on the Chicken." Chris shook his head as he kissed my spot, omg. Chris was already breathing fast as I tugged on him, "come on baby I have to go check on our dinner." He shook his head at me again, "shhh baby it can wait," he said as he kissed me on my lips, after that I was a goner.

We had both totally forgot about our dinner, I was on top of Chris continuing our make out session when my smoke alarm went off. "Shit," I said as I jumped up running in the kitchen, smoke was everywhere. Dinner was now ruined and I couldn’t even get mad at Chris because I was enjoying our make out session as much as he was. I opened the window in the kitchen letting the smoke out, " well looks like we will be having take out for dinner." We decided to go to taco bell and I had I told Chris I would goand he could just chill at the house but he wanted to come. We went through the drive thru and lets just say Chris basically tried to order the whole menu.

Once we got to the window the girl freaked out and started screaming "OMG IT CHRIS BROWN." I rolled my eyes as every worker in the place tried to fit in the drive thru window to see if it was really him. Once we finally got our food we headed back home and decided to watch a movie. We put on American Gangster as we ate our dinner and just enjoyed each others company. After the movie went off I gather up our trash to throw away and headed into the kitchen making a stop at the fridge for something sweet. Looking around I decided wanted some cookie n’ cream ice cream, grabbing a spoon I began slowly walking back into the living room where Chris had turned the tv to cartoons.

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