Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The next morning I woke up still wrapped in Chris arms. I tried to get up cause I had to pee, but Chris wouldn’t let me go. I started laughing, "baby I have to pee." Chris groans and says, "I don’t want you to get up I’m so comfortable." I sigh, "well if you don’t let me go I’m going to pee on you." Once he let me go I went to the bathroom took care of my business. I decided to take a shower. I turn on the water letting it get hot. Once it was at the temp I wanted I got in. I hear the shower curtain get moved back. Chris just invited his self in. I was like "did I say you could join me?" Chris laughs, "to late I’m already in here", I roll my eyes at him then he smacks my ass, " you better stop rolling your eyes at me." I smacked his hands telling him that shit hurts. He pushes me up against the shower wall "poor baby I can make it feel better." I told him I didn’t have time for that, I have class this morning. Chris says "you can be late", I said "ah no." I made a deal with him that I’ll leave school early to spend time with him since his flight leaves at 4. We fooled around for a little bit, then I hopped out the shower wrapping a towel around me. I decided to straighten my hair first since I was wearing it down today, I picked out some skin tight jeans with some ankle boots. I picked out a purple v neck shirt and my purple whoops and bangles. Once I was dress I step into the bathroom as Chris was wrapping a towel around his waist. I told him I had enough time to fix him breakfast he said he was good he had to get going. I told him ill fix him a blueberry bagel and cream cheese on top. He said fine. After we ate I grabbed my keys and my black Michael Kors purse and we headed out the door. Chris walked me to my car and gave me a kiss bye and said to meet him at the Taco Cabaña at 2 . I pecked his lips ok, and that ill text him let him know when I was leaving school. Before he walked off he told me to invite Nicole cause Wayne was going to meet him there too. I gave him a smirk and said ok. He gave me one last kiss and we went our separate ways. On my way to school I text Nicole and asked if she had to work today? She said no, she had taken off, so I told her to meet me at Taco Cabaña at 2. She said ok, she asked me if I was ok from what happened the night before. I told yeah and that Chris came over and we made up. I arrived at school grabbing my backpack and purse I headed to my first class which is was marketing it was boring as usual really didn’t do much. I only had three classes today, my second class was canceled smh that’s second time my professor canceled my class. I had time to waste so I text Chris and told him that Nicole said she will meet us for lunch. After texting Chris I went to my last class I usually get out at 3 but we got out at 12.So I called Nicole and asked her where she was, she said she was at home so I drove to her condo. Once I got there I told her Chris and Wayne was going to meet us there. She started freaking out why didn’t you tell me when you text me earlier. I need to find something better to wear she had on some ripped jeans and a tank top with some hills I told her she looked fine just to fix her hair better it was in a messy bun. We sat around talking until it was time to go. We left around 1:30 heading to Taco Cabaña. I text Chris and told him we where on our way. We arrived around 1:50 and I text Chris and to see if he was here yet. He said that he had just pulled up. Chris and Wayne spotted my camaro and walked over to us. I gave Chris a hug and a kiss hi, I waved at Wayne and apologized for snatching Nicole away from him. He said he understood and that he cursed Chris out about ruining his night. I reintroduced him to Nicole and they walked ahead of us into the restaurant. Chris held my hand as we walked through the door I notice as usual people was looking and pointing. I held Chris hand tighter. I looked up to check on Nicole, Wayne had his arm around her waist while they were looking at the menu. I taped Chris and showed him what Wayne was doing he said "that’s my nigga." I said "he better not hurt her or I’m going to jail." As we walked up to the line behind Nicole and Wayne, Chris stood behind me kissing on me neck and asked me what I wanted. I told him I didn’t know yet so I started looking at the menu and I settled for a grilled chicken taco salad and strawberry margarita, Nicole got the same thing I did. Chris and Wayne both got steak fajitas and beer. Once we placed our orders we sat down in a booth Chris sat beside me and Nicole sat in front of me and Wayne sat in front of Chris. We started talking and Wayne asked what Nicole and I did for a living, I told him I was an assistant at Dixie Maid and I was going to School for business management, Nicole was a sales rep for a cell phone company and was had went to school to be a teacher but was taking time off. We talked for a little bit more and our food came. We ate and made front of Chris cause his ass acted like he hadn’t ate in days. After we where done eating we had enough time to walk around the little shops before Chris and Wayne had to leave for there flight. Nicole and Wayne walked ahead of us, I was holding Chris hand walking not saying anything. He stoped me and asked me "what’s wrong?" I said nothing. He lifts my chin up with his finger telling me "don’t lie Journey. Now tell me what is it." I sighed I said "where do we go from here and when will I be able to see you again?" He says "I want you to come see me on spring break and we will talk everyday twice a day." I told him ok and we shared a long passionate kiss. Then out of no where asked me what was my twitter user name and instagram name. I told him we started following each other, we met up with Nicole and Wayne. I saw them exchanges numbers. I saw this jewelry store and I dragged Chris in with me. I was looking for some new earrings and Chris went the other way looking at jewelry. I find some bangles I wanted and some more hoops after I made my purchases I waited on Chris. Once he purchased what he wanted we walked back to our cars. I was sad I knew I was about to cry I knew this will be the last time ill see him until spring break. Chris pulled me to the side he lifted my head up and I looked into my eyes telling me not cry that we will stay in contact and that he will miss me like crazy. We shared a passionate kiss and telling each other how much we was going to miss each other he gave me a hug and told me he will call me once his flight landed. I told him ok we kissed once again he smacked my ass saying how much he was going to miss it. I told him to shut up and kissed him again. He walked me to my car and before I got in he handed me a gift box and told me not to opened it until I got home. I looked at him shocked I told him he shouldn’t bought me whatever it was. He said I was his girl and I was special to him my eyes started watering. I told him thank you and gave him another passionate kiss, then Wayne interrupted us telling Chris it was time to go. I gave him another hug and a kiss and told him bye. I looked over and seen Wayne pecked Nicole on the lips telling her bye. I’m thinking damn they just met but hey if the chemistry there why not, we watched them drive off.

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