Panic attack X Remus Lupin

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Panic attack X marauders era Remus Lupin

TW / CW: Small mentions of blood and skin picking.


It was an overcast day, grey clouds intimidated golden rays back in and blocked any attempt for those rays to escape through gaps. Wind was beginning to increase and blow in darker storm clouds, which meant rain was definitely going to hit later on.

You were sat in the great hall waiting to hear that first rumble of thunder that meant every student would rush to a window to try and spot some lightning.

You were not alone in your waiting, you, James and Sirius had a free period. Normally, you would traverse up to the astronomy tower but, the incoming weather even scared Sirius off.

Instead, you were all making light conversation about upcoming plans for holidays together and how to convince all the parents to let them go.

You had been notably quiet to James, it was usual that you would jokingly insult him or Sirius but, nothing came either persons way when they sat down.

Truth was, you hadn't slept well last night due to a niggling feeling eating away at you. You always had bad anxiety but just had grown better at controlling it and hiding it away from your group. Now with that feeling still there and lack of sleep you were even more worried about the possibility of an oncoming attack.

"Hey (Y/N) you sure you're okay?" James quizzed after his conversation with Sirius trailed off.

"I even tied my hair up for you to make fun off and... nothing!" Sirius dramatically exclaimed and you smiled softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired, that's all." You gave a nod before weakly smiling.

James gave a nod but was still unsure about your answer.
"What about Cornwall?" Sirius picked up the holiday conversation again and James furrowed his brows.

"Why?" Even you questioned. "That's such an odd place to suggest."

"We could see Stonehenge on the way in and then go to Land's end." Sirius happily smiled thinking about the countryside.

A rumble ran through the great hall and all chatter momentarily quieted. First years rushed out to find the nearest window whilst last years rolled their eyes at this action.

You felt your anxiety rising in your stomach, it felt like a giant knot had settled deep within and made you feel sick. Sweaty palms were the one of the worst parts of anxiety, you wiped them on your robes slightly but they remained clammy.

Rapidly beating, your heart thumped against your ribs as if it was trying to jump out and break free.

The colour must have drained from your face because when you managed to tune back into the conversation, it was actually James and Sirius asking if you were okay.

"(Y/N) you're really pale, worse than me." Sirius chuckled slightly but concern clearly laced his voice.

"I'm fine." You found that your voice was wobbling when you spoke to him, which didn't help your protest that you were okay.

"I think that pink pig just went over." James quipped but it was because he was trying to get you to admit you were not okay.

"I... I um..." You struggled to find the words to express what you wanted to say to your friends so, instead you pointed to the doors of the great hall and swiftly left.

You left all of your stuff there, your books, quill, tie. James and Sirius sat there confused as to the sudden departure but, you couldn't explain why to them.

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