James Potter X epilepsy

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You had been diagnosed with epilepsy just before starting at Hogwarts. You had kept it more or less hidden for the better half of your first year.

That was until you collapsed in the middle of herbology and scared your partner, Remus Lupin, half to death. He thought he may have done something but, after anxiously waiting in the hospital wing, he soon learnt about your epilepsy.

In your third year, you grew close to Remus again and tried to not scare him once more. You and him were able to joke about it after you assured him it was okay to laugh.

With getting closer to Remus, you were slowly pulled into the marauders group and was 'knighted' in by Sirius.

Most of the group were unaware of your epilepsy, Remus obviously knew but most of the others did not. Until, it seemed to be a reoccurring thing for you and James to be left on your own and your body decided to seize.

It had happened so much by sixth year that you and him had a whole system put together.


Lazily, you sat down between Remus and Lily at breakfast. Your head was pounding and stomach churning, you partially blamed Sirius for keeping you up until one smoking. But, it couldn't entirely be his fault.

"Morning (Y/N)!" James was always so chipper in the mornings, somehow. He was buttering a slice of bread and the smell made you gag slightly.

"Merlin, I knew I smelt but not that bad." Sirius joked as he sat down opposite you and next to James. "Morning all."

"You okay?" Remus gently nudged your arm and you gave a weak nod. "You're very pale."
"I'm fine." You persisted. "Just a bit tired."

"Same." Remus nodded and chuckled slightly. "I slept for 15 hours and then another twelve over this weekend."

The table froze and looked over to the boy with furrowed brows,
"How are you still tired?" Lily leant around you to question Remus, he opened his mouth to reply but James butted in.

"That's a coma, Moony."

"Ooh sounds funky." Remus bit down on a slice of jam on toast and the group just continued with breakfast as if it was the norm.

James picked his head up from his toast when seeing you weren't even entertaining the idea of eating. He believed breakfast was the most important meal of the day and would always try and encourage the group to have breakfast. Without James, Sirius would probably still only eat dinner.

"No breakfast (Y/N/N)?" He questioned and you shook your head. "Have some orange juice at least then?"

"I don't want any." You snapped suddenly, the group slowly fell silent and you sighed. You looked up to James, who had his eyes scanning over you trying to read you. "I'm sorry James."

"It's okay." He smiled but was still slightly off, he was trying to read you.

Your head fell to the left and landed on Remus's shoulder, he briefly glanced down at you before placing his head on top of yours.

"Did you do the mythical care homework?" Remus questioned the group and everyone but, Sirius nodded.

"Pardon me?" Sirius asked, although he had clearly heard what Moony said.

"I mean I haven't, I looked at it and purposely ignored it." Remus replied with a shrug, which made your head rise and fall.

Whilst Sirius, Lily and Remus began discussing the homework, James held your gaze and narrowed his eyes.

Your whole body was tingling slightly now and that feeling of deja vu was beginning to set in before each episode. You were grateful that James was already looking at you.

"Seizure." You mouthed and he nodded, immediately setting down his toast.

"I'm just going to go with (Y/N) to grab their essay." James announced to the group.

"Okay, see you in mythical care." Lily smiled.

"Bye loves." Sirius waved.

Remus gave you a smile before watching you walk out the great hall.


Your head laid on James's thighs in Gryffindor common room, his clammy hand rested upon your cheek but, the feeling of pressure was comforting.

"I'm sorry about breakfast." You spoke, although it was understandable what you said, you had a slur to your words.

"No, don't even worry about it!" James exclaimed and his thumb ran over your cheek. "It's all okay."

James realised you had started to slip away because you began to stare at the ceiling. His thumb continued to rub your cheek so you knew during the seizure that he was still there.

Your hands balled into tight fists and your back arched before crashing down again, James winced.
"Ohh (Y/N). Relax, it's okay, I'm right here."

Your head jerked aggressively and James listened to your ragged breathing with upset. It was all just sharp inhales and it scared him that it sounded like you never exhaled.

Wrapped in cramps, your body twisted and contorted in different ways whilst James sat there being as supportive as he could.

"I'm here (Y/N), it's all okay, try and breathe."

After a couple of minutes, you began to slow down again and James continued to caress your cheek until you woke up and became coherent again.

When you were more coherent, James began to spring into aftercare.
"Hey, (Y/N)." He softly called out. "Would you like some water?"

You weakly nodded your head and James also nodded, he helped you sit up and leant you against the sofa. He walked away for a minute, you couldn't see where and didn't try to look what way he had gone because of how dizzy you were.

He returned with a cup and tried to hand it you but your fingers could not grip the cup yet. Instead, you angled your head back and James helped you take a sip.

Sitting down next to you, James gave a warm smile and took your numb hand in his.

"Okay, we will not move until you are ready to." James stated firmly and you gave a nod.

Your head rested on James's shoulder and he looped that arm around you to pulled you into a hug.

"You're so brave and strong." James rubbed her shoulder softly. "I'm so proud of you."

"I might cry." You joked and he looked down with a small smile. "You're wonderful James, thank you for being here for me."

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