All X Animagus

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Most people had left the great hall by now, that included you and Lily. It just been the pair of you at dinner tonight, the boys were nowhere to be found, which was a rare occasion.

It was oddly quiet because James wasn't cracking jokes, Sirius wasn't snapping back, Remus wasn't rolling his eyes but secretly enjoying the jokes and Peter wasn't copying Remus's note from the class before.

You and Lily even finished eating early to go down to the library to study hoping you might even find Remus there. He was not.

"This is bizarre." Lily's head swirled around as she checked for Remus once again.

"I would say it's nice but, it's too quiet to say it feels nice." You chuckled and Lily agreed with a nod. "They're up to something."

"Stupid phrase that's normally true." Lily sighed with a small laugh. "We should make the most of not having them around for one night..."

"We sound like two wine mums." You chuckled and buried your smile into the palm of your hand.

"The ultimate question now is do we sit down and study and hopefully pass our O.W.Ls or do we go and find them?" Lily began drumming her fingers on the table deep in thought, although the thought did not need entertaining because both knew the answer.

At the same time, both closed their books and pushed themselves away from the table. You couldn't help but find a smile playing at your lips, you were probably more excited to find the boys than they were too commence in in whatever activity they were planning.

Lily giggled sightly and walked around the other side of the table whilst you continue to collect your belongings. The pair of you you interlocked your arms and set off searching for the boys.

You had your theories about where they were, the astronomy Tower being one and somewhere in the area of Snape was your second guess.

Traversing the corridors, you and Lily ducked heads in every room. You emerged out of the potions room with puzzled looks across your face when you saw a handful of First Years sprinting up the hallway.

Lily looked to her left and you looked to the right. The ginger haired girl gasped before falling into a chuckle. Your (Y/E/C) orbs flitted to your left and upon looking to your left your eyes laid upon a stag, a rat and a black dog running up the hall followed by Remus running behind.

"Remus!" Lily shouted with laughter. His eyes picked up and as he drew nearer and nearer towards you two a smile grew, and as the group rushed past Remus gently took Lily's hand in his own.

As Lily was dragged down the hall, you were trailing along behind and with your arm still linked with Lily's.

"What are we doing?!" You chimed in with joy.

Remus laughed, a rare occasion that really showed he was enjoying himself, "I don't know! Something about the forbidden Forest I couldn't understand Sirius!"

After being dragged down to the forest, Remus finally let go of Lily's hand and you removed your arm. You, Lily and Remus panted out of breath whilst James, Peter and Sirius were transforming back to human form.

As soon as one of the marauders were able to speak, Lily was asking for answers.
"Why are we here?" Lily chuckled.

James had a mysterious grin growing and growing up on his face. Lily cocked an eyebrow but allowed it to fall when he took hold of her hand.

"Tonight is the night the Fireflies come out of their eggs!" Sirius exclaimed eagerly. "It is going to be stunning!"

With that, James and Lily walked ahead making conversation about how stupid he was for showing his animagus form within the school. You Sirius and Remus were walking together talking about a rock star the three of you heard about called Mick Jagger and how much Sirius seemed to remind you of him. Peter wasn't far behind he was snacking on on a biscuit he found in his pocket.

"We're here!" James chirped happily upon seeing the lights fluttering above his head. Lily craned her head up and her face lit up with glee.
Sirius remove his cigarette from his mouth to gaze up at the rapidly moving stars.

You found that whimsy and awe danced over the group's faces, it was more enjoyable to look at the joy on your friends faces than to actually look but the meteorites dancing around above your head.

Remus and Sirius stood hand in hand, whilst James and Lily pressed into a passionate kiss. It was just you and Peter left, and both of you shared a friendly smile between each other before glancing back to the dancing stars.


(A/N how it should of ended, "It was just you and Peter left, and both of you shared a friendly smile before you pushed him down the hill you were stood on.)

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