Sirius Black X the cold shoulder

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Y/H/C- your hair colour
Y/N/N- your nick name

There are mentions of smoking cigarettes.

This chapter is shit and I truly apologise.


You and Sirius had been together since second year, you were each others rock, the go to with news, the shoulder to cry on.

Both of you had supported each other all the way through to seventh year and now nearing on graduation a few thoughts were beginning to play in the back of your mind.

You were becoming afraid that you and Sirus would graduate and maybe breakup. Or maybe you would graduate and do the long distance thing because neither lived in driving distance. You didn't want to lose him after finishing school but in every scenario you played out it resulted in a messy breakup.

Sirius sat in the astronomy tower with James and Evans. He was rolling the cigarette paper between his index and thumb, being careful to not let any tobacco fall out.

The air was muggy tonight, the hot air was becoming sticky, which usually meant rain was coming soon. Ivory rays casted the astronomy tower in a glow but the group still had a few candles lit so, they had more vision.

Steps could be heard climbing up metal stairs, the group became quiet for a moment and Sirius briefly placed his cigarette tin behind his back.

Everyone relaxed with Remus's whiskey strands appeared first, soon followed by the rest of the lanky man. He had a book under his arm and the notes from that day's DADA lesson to hand over to James.

Sirius moved his cigarette tin back around and Remus's eyes widened with joy.

"Pass me one Pads." Remus plopped himself down next to Sirius. Both had their backs pressed against the concrete arch and James sat opposite with Lily.

"Needy needy." Sirius teased, he licked the paper and carefully folded it down before passing it over to Remus.
"Light me up." Remus chuckled and Sirius rolled his eyes.

"It's like a mother bird feeding her child." James joked and Sirius shot a glare before laughing. He dug around in his tin before producing his zippo and lit Remus's cigarette.

He sucked the nicotine happily and breathed it out slowly, a smile curling his lips up.

Another set of footsteps followed up the stairs and again they fell silent.

The group saw (Y/H/C) and unclenched their jaws, they greeted you with warm smiles and greetings.

Your eyes settled on one person mainly, Sirius, for the past three days you had got lucky in avoiding in because both of you were so caught up in revision. Well, you were at least. You found it best to avoid Sirius until the inevitable talk came because you could not bare to leave and eventually drift apart until it became a letter break up.

"Hey, lovely." Sirius grined and extended his hand out towards you as you approached. A cigarette was between his index and middle finger with your name written all over it, he had rolled it with liquorice cigarette paper just for you because he knew you loved it.

Mumbling you spoke, "Thanks." Sirius furrowed his brows but his frown deepened even more when you left him and sat down next to Lily, you even used your own lighter to light your cigarette.

"No worries." He quietly spat passively aggressively and threw his last filter down into the tin. He had been looking forward to tonight because you two hadn't spoken for three days and now you weren't even talking to him.

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