Night out X Sirius Black

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(Y/N/N) - your nickname


You sat in front of your full body mirror applying black eyeliner to your eyelids. Lily was stood behind you removing the socks she had in her ginger locks, which were only there because on her last journey home she managed to leave her hair curlers on her desk.

It was Saturday night, so you and most of your year were preparing for a night out. You and Lily were meeting the marauders along with Marlene and Dorcas at the Three Broomsticks.

James, Sirius and Remus had already left to get one of the better tables at the Three Broomsticks. You and Lily were going to wait for Marlene and Dorcas on the edge of the forest before walking.

You took a sip from the bottle of Fire whiskey sat beside you, it had been snuggled in by your boyfriend Sirius.

Reaching forwards, Lily stole the bottle with a laugh and took a swig of the liquid. You chuckled and reach behind for the bottle and set it down next to you again.

You stood up tall and walk towards your bed where your outfit was laid out. Most of it it happened to be Sirius, the t-shirt was his white David Bowie t-shirt, the leather jacket was his but he was not aware you had it.

Other than that the rest of it was definitely yours, the fishnet top you were going to wear under the t-shirt and the baggy blue Levi jeans, which had to be held up by a belt.


The smell of the three broomsticks immediately hit you as you walked in arm in arm with Marlene. It was a distinctive smell, stuck in your nose, it's stuck to your clothes. The smell in question was a musty smell mixed with the smell of beer and cigarette smoke.

The floor was always sticky, but it was better to not question why your Converse would stay in place when you tried to move. Dim lighting casted regulars and finally of age students in a glow.

Chatter and ruckus filled the air whilst bartenders desperately tried to refill empty pint glasses at the bar.

A familiar curly-haired brunette was at the bar seemingly roped into by in the next round, due to to the displeased face he made when handing over the cash.

Your arm unlinked with Marlene's as everyone scanned the room for the table you would be sat up for most of the night.

You approached James at the bar and scared him slightly when Dorcas tapped his arm.

"Shit!" James exclaimed before laughing and turning around to greet everyone. "Lils you look stunning, as always." He winked cheesily.

"Yeah, yeah, lover boy. Where are we sat?" Dorcas interrupted with a small chuckle. James gave a nod towards a corner booth, where Sirius was angling his head and Remus was throwing peanuts his way.

Everyone began to walk towards the table but, you remained and began to dig your wallet out out of your back pocket.

You leant on the bar next to James and he gave a warm smile before looping an arm over your shoulder and pulling you into a hug.

"Is this Sirius's?" James questioned briefly removing his arm to eye up the leather. "It is! It has the scratch along the back that I made!" He laughed.

"Has he been asking for it?"

"All night." James chuckled. "He spent the best part of an hour absolutely turning our dorm upside down trying to find it! He was so desperate, he thought he left it in the library.

You scoffed, "Give over. The library?"

James nodded as the bartender returned with a tray for the drinks for James. The tray had 3 pints of butter beer and the change from the money James has given over earlier.

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