Close one?

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I sat on my bed, hugging my knees to chest, hoping Dallas won't tell the guys about what he saw. The door slowly opens, and Two-Bit walks in. There was a worried look in his eyes that just bothered me.

"Are you okay, Bell?" I shrugged. He headed over to my bed, and sat on the edge, right next to me. "What's on your mind?" I sighed.

"What if Dallas tells the guys what he saw?" I turned to Two-Bit, who didn't seem to get what was so wrong about this.

"So what? I don't see how there's anything wrong with that" he replied. See what I mean. I looked down, letting my hair cover up my face.

"I just can't let them know it's me" I softly said. Two-Bit placed his arm around me, and puled me into his arms.

"Why not, baby girl?"

"Cause, I..." I felt my brother's eyes on me, just staring and waiting for my answer. My mouth was shut tight. How can I explain that I've had a crush on Johnny ever since I first saw him? "I need to go out for a walk" I said, standing up and walking out of the room. There was no way I can tell him, just yet. Maybe another time.

I walked out the front door, and into the streets. The only thing going through my mind, was the look on Dally's face. I've never seen him so surprised. My hands were stuffed into my pockets, as I kicked around a little pebble. I sighed, not seeing how my day could get any worse.

"Hey, is that Isabella?" I turned around, and came face to face with a blonde haired Soc, along with his buddies. "What are you doing out this late at night?" A smirk was on his face, which made chills go down my spine. I was scared of boys, especially Soc. They don't realize how scary they can be at times, but Johnny is a whole different story. I began walking away, when I felt him grab my wrist. "And where do you think you're going?"

"I... um..." My words got caught in my throat as I stared into his icy blue eyes.

"You're coming with me" he said, that same smirk on his face. I tried pulling away from him, but he was too strong for me.

"Please... let go" I softly pleaded, which only made him laugh, and his friends, laugh.

"I don't think so, why don't we have some fun?" His words terrified me. They're going to RAPE ME?!?! I started shaking at the though. My lip quivered as I tried shouting for help.

"Some one! Please! Help me! Two-Bit! Help!"

"Shut your trap!" He wrapped his arm around me, placing something over my mouth, also covering my nose. What is it? Another important question is, why do I suddenly feel sleepy. I struggled to keep my eyes open, tears now slowly rolling down my cheeks. My knees were getting weak. I found myself getting closer and closer to the ground. "Shh, that's right. You'll be asleep in no time."

"T-Two-Bit" I whispered, seeing that my luck has just ran out. Out of nowhere, I was suddenly hauled up to my feet. The guy had an arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Get your hands off of her you dirty Soc!" That voice, was it really my brother? My vision was blurry, and I tried to clear it up, but couldn't. I was just too weak to do anything. Next thing I heard, was mumbling and shouting. Like as if there was a fight going on. The Soc lets go of me, letting me fall to the ground. I couldn't stand up on my own, so there was no way to stop myself from falling. Before my head came in contact with the ground, someone caught me.

"Bell! Bell, are you okay?" I didn't response. I knew who it was, but I just didn't know what to say.

"How is she, Two-Bit?" Who's that? Are there other boys here?

"I think she'll be alright" my brother responded. I felt someone pick me up, bridal style, and began walking.

"Who is she anyways?"

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