The Mysterious Girl (Johnny Cade FF)

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I started walking towards the door, where my freedom awaited, when my mom grabbed my arm. 

"Isabella, where do you think you're going?"

"Out" I replied, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. She eyed me, somehow knowing that I would cause trouble again. My mother knows me too well to figure that out. I cause trouble where ever I go. With one last look, she released me. "I'll see you in a bit" I said, grabbing the door knob and opening the door. 

"Alright, but if you're going to steel something, try not to get caught" she pleaded. 

"I won't, I never do" I stated. She crossed her arms, already knowing that I lied. I just smiled and was about to walk out the door, but stopped. My big brother, Two-Bit, was in the front with his gang. I quickly closed the door. Oh god. My brothers friends don't know me yet, and I've been living here for a few months now. But still, I kinda don't want them to know me, only for one reason. Johnny Cade. He's the only guy that sent my heart racing, even though we've never talked before. Ever, but I did save his life. I remember that time perfectly. 

I jumped on the train, going after Johnny and Ponyboy. They ran away after killing a soc. I knew Johnny could never do that on purpose, so it probably was all self defense. Man, he got himself into a bunch of trouble. I sat against the side, hidiing in the shadows that the light of the moon casts inside the cart. I had to stay awake. One of the reasons I'm doing this, is for Two-Bit. He really cares about them, and I get to talk to Johnny for once. 

With every minute that went by, my eyes kept on getting even more tired. But I had to stay awake in order to be able to jump off at the right time. After a few hours, I was finally in Windrixville. I closed my eyes as I jumped off the moving train. When I jumped, my foot slipped and I landed on my back. God that hurt. I got up and looked around the area. Wow, really... grassy. I searched for someone to help me out, but I couldn't. I began walking. Even though I didn't know where I was going, I still walked. 

It wasn't long until I spotted a guy next to an oil thingy. I ran up to him. 

"Excuse me sir, have you seen two boys walk by here, a few days ago?" 

"Uh yea, they headed to Jay Mountain" he replied. I smiled. 

"Can you tell me where that is?"

"Just right ahead, there's an old church there" he responded, pointing in the direction I should go.

"Thanks" I said, then ran. Yes, I know where they are. I'm gonna be able to bring them back with me. I kept running and running, until I saw it. But it wasn't what I'd expected. The church was on fire! From where I was standing, I saw Dallas, taking kids out of a window, where Ponyboy was giving them to him. Oh god! I ran to the church, and looked for a way in. 

"Hey kid, get away from there!" A guy almost grabbed my arm, but I ran away from him. All the way to the other side o the church, where I saw a broken window. I jumped in through that window, and made my way to where Johnny and Ponyboy was. As I entered the burning room, I noticed that the roof was caving in. I had to hurry. Johnny was coughing, while Ponyboy was pulled out by Dallas.  JOhnny was just a few feet away from me, when I noticed a limb about to fall on him.

"Johnny, look out!" As he turned around, I ran to him, grabbed his arm, then I pulled him out of the way.

"Johnny, hurry, the roof is caving in!" I led him towards the window, where Dallas stood, ready to take him out. Smoke was filling up in my lungs. I could already feel my legs and knees grow weak.

"Here, get him out" I said, sounding like a whisper. Daally looked at me as he pulled Johnny out of the burning building. I didn't eveen think of what could happen to me, I just knew I had to save the guys. The next thing I knew, my knees were on the ground, as I collapsed from the lack of oxygen. 

"Kid!" Dally's voice echoed through my head, but I just couldn't find the strength to get up. It was like being paralized or something. My arms, nor legs, would move at all. I heard a crack, and I blacked out. All I remember from that day, is Johnny's face. How he looked. And, people asking and asking to see me, they wanted to know who was the mysterious girl that saved his life. I made Two-Bit promise not to tell anybody, and the Doctors wouldn't let anyone come into my room. From the short time I was in that burning church, I had breathed in a lot of smoke. I turned out okay though. None of my friends knew about the insident, and thats how I wanted it. Plus, Two-Bit's gang still didn't know I exist, so yea, everything was like it should be. 

"Bella, arn't you going out?" I looked at my mother and nodded. 

"I'm just getting out through the uh... back" I replied. She cocked an eyebrow, but didn't tell me anything. I walked out into my backyard, and went up to the fence. I climbed over, and jumped onto the rocky ground. I made my way out the alley, and into the streets. Now that's better. As I began walking, I accidentally ran into someone. "I'm sorry" I said, looking up at the person's face. To my horror, it was Dallas Winston, one of my brother's friends. I stepped back, and was thinking about making a run for it. 

"Watch where you're going" he said. After that, I ran like hell. Like as if he was Satan himself. That must of left him wondering. I turned, only to see that he was gone. I stopped running and just walked for a while. I was supposed to meet my friend Jenny at the park, and that's where I'm heading. The town was crowded with Soc.

God I hate them. They think that they can just look down at us like we're nothing. I tried my best not to pay attention to them, they're not even worth my time. I made my way back to my side of town. Somewhere on the way, I passed my house. They guys were still there. But I didn't foccus on them, my attention was on Johnny. He was just so shy and quiet. But he can mean when he has to. It's one of the things I like about him. Even though he's real jumpy, more now cause he's been jumped before, I still think he's really brave and-


"Ahh!" I fell back just as a car came to a screeching stop right in front of me. My breath got caught in my throat. I had my eyes closed right now. Am I dead? 

"Bella!" Jenny's voice rang in my ear from a few feet away. I slowly opened my eyes, only to find her running towards me. I sat up as she reached me. "Bella, are you okay?"

"I think so" I replied, rubbing the back of my head.

"Did you hit your head?" I nodded. She helped me to my feet. Out of nowhere, someone grabbed my arm. I turned to face a worried Two-Bit. 

"Isabella, what were you thinking?" I shrugged. 

"I guess I wasn't" I responded. He shook his head, dissapoited by my actions. I don't get it, I didn't really do anything. 

"Bella, be careful when you're walking around, you're my only kid sister and I really don't think mom'll be making any more children anytime soon."

"You never know, she could get herself a boyfriend" I replied. He smiled. Then, my brother's gang came up to us. 

"Hey Two-Bit, who's this?" We both turned to Sodapop. It's just like himself to want to know nearly everything. 


"Oh, look at the time, I got to go. See ya around, uhh... stranger" I said, before grabbing Jenny's arm and pulling he along. Once we were a safe distance away, I released her. 

"What was that, and who was that guy?" I shrugged. 

"I never saw him before in my life" I lied. She crossed her arms. 

"Then how did he know your name?"

"How am I supposed to know?" She just shook her head. I smiled. Jenny is the only person who doesn't know when I'm lieing. 


So, I decided to write a Johnny Cade Love story, i hope you liked it. Now, Johnny got saved in this story, so it just continues on,  LIKE IT SHOULD OF. Any who, comment, vote, fan, please?? Oh, and I'm almost done with the next chapter of I found love, in another time? until next time luvs, buh bye :))

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