Teasing and more

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Hi guys! So, I have this other account, @xSweet_SerenityX where I'll be posting my ORIGIONAL works and maybe a FF or two. Can y'all please follow me?

Tell you what. If you follow my other account, and message me, I'll do an OUTSIDERS IMAGINE FOR YOU. I pinky promise c:

And don't try to trick me, cause I will check.

AND AND AND AND.... I have an IG. The same for that, if you follow me and DM me, I'll write a Outsiders Imagine for you c: But again, I'll check, so don't lie to me.

My IG: xcandy101x

Follow! Follow! Follow!

Another thing, in the comments, all I see is: Update! Update! Update!

Chill yo rolls, gurl! (or boy!) SO, I decided to do something exciting for this. The fan that leaves the BEST comment, will get a chapter dedication! (And maybe something else, too. Depends if I'm in the mood).

Oh, and another thing. Just a quick question for y'all.

Who do y'all ship me with? c: Honest opinion, I love all the boys, so in the comments below, please tell my who you ship me with and why c: Please? For me? Cause I'm really curious and want to know xD AND I WON'T UPDATE UNTIL I FIND OUT!! Haha, I'm very determined :P

Okay, I'm done talking, on with the chapter! c:


I stared at Dallas. He knew. But how? I don't think I've given him any type of sign of any sort. So how the hell would he know. Did Two-Bit tell him? Nah, I doubt it. He would never do that to me. I know him better than that, and when he says he'll stay quiet about something, I know he will.

"Your silence only tells me yes" Dallas smirked. I tried to speak, but nothing would come out. Yup, there's no way I can deny it now, he won't listen to me.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" I said. Dally only chuckled.

"Nice try, Bella, that isn't going to work on me" he replied.

"What's it to you, anyway?" He simply shrugged.

"I just want Johnny to find someone nice, not like Sylvia, ya know?" Dally took out a cancer stick and lit it up. "And you don't look too bad..." I looked up at Dallas.

What does he mean by that? That I'm perfect for Johnny, maybe? I felt myself start smiling, so I tried to hide it. But I know I did a horrible job at that. He still saw my smile. He saw me blush. He saw what his words did to me. And now, he knows for sure. I like Johnnycake.

"Hurry up." I snapped out of my thoughts and focused on Dallas.


"Are you gonna want your ice cream cone or not?" I rolled my eyes at him and walked inside the diner. Well, can't he be a bit nice about it? God! It's like he was raised in a jail house! Well, I can't really blame him on that one.

I sat down on one of the chairs in front of the counter, Dally next to me.

"So what's the plan?"

"The what?" Dally dropped the menu he was messing with and looked at me.

"Don't tell me you're not going to try to get with Johnnycakes" he said, slightly annoyed. Psht, of course I'm not! What if I'm not good enough for him? He probably doesn't even like me. I'm too shy anyways. Well, he is, too. But not like me! At least he talks to people! Well, I do too, just not to him. "Well?"

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