family radio

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yes. its 4am and i feel clean & fresh. *dad snoring in the background*..  anyways.. its a weekend im at my dads<333333

decided to write some more plot so lez go.


"fuck steve! your messing the place up, i heard vickie is coming here!! we have to look as decent as possible" robin said throwing a cardboard box at steve while looking mad, but nervous at the same time"... Family radios front door bell ringed. Vikie was entering but someone else was holding the door for her. "w.." robin froze as she saw the boy that was holding the door grab vickies waist. Steve looked at robin and noticed. "Welcome to family radio, no refunds. if it doesn't work,  well to bad so sad.".. robin speed walked to the back room and said "checking something oUT REAL QUICK". the boy who came with vickie gets closer to steve and whispers him "hey dude do you have anything that gets ladys in the mood?,  you know what i mean~"  he asks.  Steve looks at him from top to bottom and says " a...., attractive face" the boy backs away and looks offended he then says "do we have a problem here?" in a mad voice. "cant take a simple joke?" says steve with a smirk getting straight and crossing his arms while tilting his head.  "dude you don't wanna do that" says the boy cracking his fists. "oh my gosh! im so, so scared right now! someone call 911 auhh!! auh! ahhh!. PFFT! who do you even think you are?, remember you're a nobody in this store so i recommend you leave in hmmmm.... 10 seconds?". "Babe i found one!, we would like this one thank you.." vickie interrupts. steve grabs the thing and looks at the price, "10 dollars and 50 cents". vickie looks at the boy next to her. "huh? ..OH uh-" the boy seeks into his pockets and gives 20$. " keep the change! bye" says vickie while grabbing the thing and pulling the boy out of the store. " hah, free  cash!~"  says steve while bringing the dollar bill up to the light.

Robin was crying. "I knew it. i knew she was straight.!" Steve rubs her shoulder, "look. it's okay... it's her loss, she doesn't even deserve you anyways".."hahahhh... steve you sound so gay right noww" says robin while wiping off her tears. steve pushes her shoulder and says " fuck you! you're the gay fuck here " and walks over to the computer.. robin looks okay now, shes kinda over vickie. finally,, after 3 hours... "oh and dingus.. whats up with eddie and you?, last time yall were kinda.. you know~~~". "No." says steve. 'NO? no whattt!!???~ you know what! im organizing a offical group sleepover??!! yess. BUT! this will be a grownup sleepover neither of your kids can come okay?.". "rob are you on drugs?" steve questions. "no!, maybe nancy, jonathan , me , you , eddie. yes! us only  aHAHAHHJEHE". "uaghhh.." sighs steve.

499 words:) 

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