sleepover 3.0 ☠

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Steve pinned eddie to the wall whilst grabbing his waist. Steve gave eddie a soft kiss, feeling steves lips with his was a heavenly feeling for eddie.
"SUCKAS COME DOWN HERE" robins voice was heard,
Steve pulled out the kiss and gave eddie a smile, "lets go harrington" eddie said with chuckle.

They both went downstairs,
"Popcorn or oreos" robin asked them both. "Popcorn" steve replied, "gimme oreos" eddie jumped on the huge couch by the back, robin handed eddie a bowl full of oreos & steve a bowl of popcorn w caramel, "caramel? Seriously robin?" Steve sighed, "theres absolutly nothing wrong with caramel in popcorn, picky ass" robin said while rolling her eyes.
"Ugh" , steve sat down on the couch next to eddie who was criss-crossed-applesauced.
"Horror?, drama?, comedy?, romantic??*wink*" robin asked the group, jonathan and nancy were already back inside the mansion. "Horror!" Eddie quickly said, eddie loved horror movies.
"ALRIGHT!" robin put a horror disc inside the little machine, the horror movie started playing.

They watched every genre of movies you could think of, half of them were asleep. Well, all..of them.

They all fell asleep at steves couch.

270 words.

Invasion. / // Steddie [] T Steve.Where stories live. Discover now