beach house

755 13 3

word count - 1549

The day after the Hotchner wedding, Emily and Aaron both woke up tightly entangled in each other's limbs. After the speeches, everyone was filled with emotion and alcohol seemed like the solution for everyone but JJ and Spencer. The team drank and danced and sang until the sun was beginning to rise.

Emily woke up first, almost afraid to move because of how peaceful her husband looks sleeping in her bed. The more she stared and felt is calm, warm breaths on her neck, the more she realised that her and Aaron hadn't consumed the marriage. Last night they snook off and kissed passionately in the bathroom but they both decided to wait to go any further.

Getting lost in her fantasy, she didn't realise Aaron was now awake, he smiled knowingly at her, he knew her so well he could read her mind into what she was thinking. The feeling of a soft kiss on her cheek woke her from the daydream and a huge grin appeared onto her face.

"good morning Mr Hotchner" she whispered while nuzzling into his chest

"good morning to you, Mrs Hotchner" placing a delicate kiss on the top of her head "last night was perfect" Aaron continued, playing with her raven hair

"hmm it was" she exhaled "i can think of one thing that could make it better though"

Emily slowly said as her hand brushed down his bare chest and into his pyjama trousers. Aaron let out a deep breath "as good as that sounds, we're going to have to wait... i have a surprise for you"

She sat up quickly in bed, Aaron could see the excitement in her eyes. She turned to look at him "i have a million questions. i don't even know where to start" He grabbed her hands in his, he let out a quiet laugh "go and get dressed and i'll meet you in the kitchen in 20 minutes.. okay?" She kissed him lovingly on the lips and skipped off to the bathroom where he heard the shower start running. Aaron threw on a pair of shorts and a tight black t-shirt and made his way downstairs, pulled out the eggs and bacon from the fridge and put some bread in the toaster. 10 minutes later, Emily walked down the stairs and was greeted with the view of her husband plating breakfast and placing it onto the dining table. He turned around when he heard her phone camera click, went over to her and lifted her bridal style, gently placed her in front of her food and sat opposite.

"i could get used to this" Emily hummed as she took a bite of toast. Aaron reached out over the table as did Emily, he grabbed her hand and began drawing on her arm with his thumb. When they both finished eating, Aaron cleared the plates, Emily hovered behind him, excitingly waiting for her surprise. Once the last plate was clean he turned and once again, lifted her bridal style.

He carried her out of her apartment, down the elevator and into his car. She occasionally let out little squeals and held tightly around Aaron's neck. Once they got into the car he put her down and she looked at him with the biggest smile "what are you doing?!" she laughed "we're going on a honey moon" Aaron also laughed. "wait.. what.. how.. i don't have any clothes" Aaron pulled out a bag from the backseat of his car "JJ and Penelope" he lifted his eyebrows at her "of corse". The two shared a soft, passionate, loving kiss before Aaron started driving with a hand on Emily's thigh

Emily felt safe and warm and quickly fell asleep, Aaron had a soft, simple smile plastered on his face, he was where he wanted to be, with the love of his life. He knew as soon as she woke up, Emily would be full of questions again and he was just enjoying the simple pleasure of hearing his wife snore.

An hour later, Emily woke up as Aaron kissed her hand. She immediately looked out the window and noticed how far away from home they really were, this is where the million questions began

"where are we going?"

"what are we doing?"

"how long was I asleep?"

"Aaronnnnn are we nearly there yet?"

"babe" he took a deep breath "you were asleep for a little over an hour, we're about an hour away and it wouldn't be a surprise if i told you where we're going, would it?" he interlocked their fingers

"but-" she protested

"but nothing" Aaron let out a chuckle.

For the rest of the trip, Emily sat like a child, looking out the window and trying to work out where they're going from the road signs, she noticed they were heading towards the beach and suddenly it all clicked in her head "ROSSI'S BEACH HOUSE!" she shouted, startling Aaron.

"you've got the beauty and the brains huh?" he said looking at Emily

she smirked and bit her lip


When the Hotchners reached the beach house, Aaron started unloading the car, Emily decided that could wait and started sensually kissing Aaron's neck. Rubbing down his body and then running her hands through his hair. He dropped the bags and picked up Emily by her thighs, she wrapped her legs around him and clawed at his back, they barely made it through the door before she pulled off his shirt and he started unbuttoning her blouse, exposing her red lace bra.

Aaron carried Emily over to the bed until the fronts of his knees touched the bed and they both fell. Their tongues were fighting for dominance and although she'd never admit it, Emily was letting Aaron take the lead this time. Her hands felt down his chest and to his trousers, feeling the bulge growing, Aaron letting out a moan.

Aaron kissed down Emily's neck, collarbone and down in between her breasts, making her back arch. He unbuttoned her black jeans, revealing a matching, red lace thong. "huh, did i make you this wet?" Aaron purred "yes" Emily moaned "yes what?" Aaron replied dominantly "yes sir" Emily said while getting on top of him.

He undid her bra and placed one of her nipples in her mouth, Emily began moving her hips in a circular motion, feeling him growing under her. Growing impatient, Emily slid off Aaron's trousers and underwear, quickly sliding down his body and placing his thick cock into her mouth, swirling her tongue along his length and kissing his tip. a long groan left his mouth and his eyes rolled back in his head. Emily continued, speeding up her pace as she sucked his member. As she felt him nearing the climax she whispered "look at me while you cum" he opened his eyes while Emily carried on, he came in her mouth while moaning her name. She smirked and let his dick out of her mouth with a satisfying 'pop'.

Aaron, now ready to make Emily scream his name, pulled her lips into his, entangling his hands in her thick, raven hair, tasting him on her tongue. His hand scratched down her body, leaving marks, and down to her dripping core. He thrusted his middle finger into her while harshly circling her throbbing clit with his thumb, the sudden pressure made her moan his name loudly. This only excited him and forced him to increase speed and pressure. Soon, he felt her walls closing in around his finger and her legs begin to shake, as she felt a knot grow in her stomach, she bit onto Aaron's bottom lip. She came with a deep moan, he then brought his fingers up to her mouth and she sucked herself off him.

Giving Emily almost no time to recover. Aaron grabbed both of Emily's wrists and held them above her head, Aaron's mouth hovered over Emily's ear as he aligned himself with her entrance, she got even more turned on by the feeling of his breath on the side of her face, she gentle but his earlobe and moaned softly before he thrusted into her, making her scream his name, this pleased him and encouraged him to go faster and harder. Emily couldn't move her arms much as Aaron's hand trapped them above her head but as she felt the knot form again in her stomach she grabbed the bedsheets

"i..i- i'm close A-Aaron"

"hold on baby let's cum together" Aaron panted

a range of moans and variations of each other's names spilled from their mouths until they were sure the neighbours hated them

"okay... n-now"

They both came at the same time, screaming each other's names as loud as possible, they both collapsed into a heap, sweating and breathing heavily, eventually, Aaron pulled out of Emily, and lay on the bed next to her. Neither one could move as they were still recovering, Emily found Aaron's hand and sweetly kissed it

"if this is what married life is like, we should have done it sooner" she chuckled, still out of breath

"yes.. yes we should" Aaron snuggled into her still naked body

"i love you Mr Hotchner"

"and i love you, Mrs Hotchner"

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