I won't tell anyone

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"I have to go."

Hermione took a step back, turning towards the exit. Her gaze had now gone from astonishment to fear, and that blush he so adored had quickly left her skin. 

"Hermione wait," he shouted. He wanted to reach her, but he didn't. 

The girl turned around. A shiny veil covered her eyes. 
She shook her head, resuming her walk towards the exit faster and faster. 

"I won't tell anyone," he repeated, moving forward in the hope that only she would hear. 

Hermione didn't turn around.

When she reached the crowd that had left the courtroom moments before and began slaloming through it, Draco lost sight of her. 

He tried to talk to her again. 

I won't tell anyone, he thought, not caring how he would probably look, standing still and with his eyes closed, to the eyes of the passers-by occupying the crowded corridor.

He managed to reach the exit after several minutes, but she had been quicker. 

He stood there, his breath heavy and his heart in his throat, looking at the spot on the pavement from which she had apparated. 

"I won't tell anyone," he repeated in a low voice.


There was an unusually rowdy crowd at the entrance to the ministry the next day. She glanced at her wristwatch, wondering if she had perhaps lost track of time and arrived at work less early than usual. 

The watch confirmed that it was only eight in the morning, so there must be another reason to explain the presence of so many people.

As she pondered the best way to get to her office while avoiding the crowds, she heard a shrill voice shout a vague "there she is, that's her", and before she knew it she was surrounded by flashes, microphones and strange faces. 

The chaos of their voices would have been enough to give her one of the worst migraines since the end of the war. 

However, as if that were not enough, it was also compounded by the fact that her barriers, overwhelmed by the surprise of the sudden onslaught of journalists, had broken down.

More voices than she could ever have imagined rumbled through her skull and eardrums, overlapping one another with such rapidity that she could not understand a word of what was being asked, nor explain why the newspapers were suddenly so interested in her. 

Could it be that…

The blood froze in her veins, while the fear that ran through her nerve fibres quickly reached her brain.

The adrenalin rush that followed gave her the physical strength to move forward, wading through the crowd aided by her purse, not caring about the grimaces, gestures and expletives she received along the way. 

She walked quickly to the lift, as one by one her assailants continued to chase her, flashes went off and magic feathers moved frantically over scrolls already filled with who knows what story.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the lift doors finally closed, leaving her alone. However, the few seconds that passed before she reached her floor were not enough to give her time to focus on the situation.

Thus she found herself confronted with Cameron's sullen face.

Judging by the expression that corrugated her wrinkled face even more, and the pose she had assumed, curved like a vulture's and just as disturbing, she could bet that she had been lurking there for quite a while, just waiting for her to arrive.

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