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Hermione woke up in Draco's arms, her face moist against his chest. When she looked up at him, his eyes were slightly glazed. He looked tired.She caught a glimpse of the first orange rays of dawn outside the window. 

"Did we sleep all night here?" she said. 

Draco pulled himself up, massaging his shoulder. "I didn't want to wake you up to take you to the bed" 

She watched him, his shirt still damp from her tears. "That must have been uncomfortable." 

"Was it for you?" he asked, serious. 

"No, I was fine." 

The look in his eyes softened. He moved closer to her, and his lips rested gently on her forehead. "Do you want to rest some more?"

She got to her feet. She felt good, she didn't feel like going back to sleep. She shook her head. "I'd like to take a shower, actually." 

Draco nodded, looking decidedly tired. Hermione would have bet he felt even worse than he looked. Her heart clenched in her chest at the thought that he had spent the night on the couch, surely in an uncomfortable position, just so as not to wake her.

"You can continue sleeping if you like," she said as she moved towards the bathroom.

He hid a yawn behind his palm. 

"Or you could come with me." 

Hermione watched all the tiredness disappear from his face as he got up from the couch and followed her. 

His eyes lit up as she had now seen them do more than once as steam from the shower filled the small space, making every surface misty and slippery. 

Hermione forgot about everything else as this simple fantasy of hers finally came to life. 

She quickly shed her clothes as he did the same, and when they were finally naked in front of each other, she grabbed his hand. 

Draco carefully scrutinized her every gesture, his chest rising and falling in wide movements, as if he was straining to breathe shallowly. 

His eyes followed her, careful not to miss anything she communicated to him with just her gaze. 

Hermione understood: she was the one in control.

A rush of adrenaline invaded her from her head to the tips of her toes as they settled under the jet of hot water in the small cubicle, their bodies pressed against each other so tightly that she felt his erection press against her abdomen. 

Draco's hands were rigid along his sides, as if he was holding back the instinct to touch her. 

Hermione stroked the tip of his cock with her fingers and a tremor shook him all over his body. 

"I've never done it like this," she whispered, her voice blurring under the spray of water as she turned her back to him. 

She heard him cursing between heavy breaths, invoking Salazar, Merlin and the rest of the founders of Hogwarts. She smiled, despite the fact that she felt like her own heart was about to burst out. 

She looked over her shoulder at him, nodding as she brought both of his hands to her hips. 

Hermione rested her palms on the slippery wall, trying to hold on as best she could, and let her bottom slide against his cock. 

God, Hermione 

"Are you sure?" he whispered in her ear, his hot, heavy breathing mingling with the steam all around as he grazed her entrance with the tip of his cock. 

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