The end

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They let a few days pass, taking turns in hiding under the invisibility cloak in front of the obscene and opulent mansion inside which Dolores Umbridge was serving her house arrest, in the hope that soon she would be sent to Azkaban.

After only a few days they had accumulated several photographs showing council members entering and leaving Umbridge's home. It was not enough evidence to send them all into the arms of the dementors, but it would be enough for a public humiliation they could not ignore.

When 'The Quibbler' finally published the incriminating article, Hermione felt as light and excited as she had in months.

Although she had no idea what would become of her future, she was finally happy.

Maybe for the first time in her life, she just felt like enjoying the moment and seeing what would happen.

She watched the crowded entrance to the ministry the day after the article came out. Journalists from all over Britain crowded outside the main entrance. The small strikes and protests that had been going on from department to department in recent days had turned into a much larger phenomenon. A crowd of protesters, most of them employees whom Hermione recognized, were now outside.

The thing that had managed to animate the spirits and unite the magical society so much was the hatred for a common enemy. Draco, at her side, seemed to think as she did, and smiled at her with an amused air.

The first offer to get her old job back had come in the mail to Hermione's house after the first week of protests. She and Draco had a fat laugh and tossed the letter into the fireplace as they reviewed the details regarding the plan for Muggleborns at Hogwarts.

"With McGonagall's support we might actually succeed within this year," gasped Hermione as she looked at the numbers that had come in regarding letters being sent to muggleborns children.

"Ah, remind me again about her visit to your house."

"It was horrible," Hermione rolled her eyes. "My parents almost had a heart attack, and they even called the police. The muggle world needs this"

Draco returned her smile. "Not just the muggle one."

Hermione's expression was thoughtful as she looked at the second letter that had arrived from the ministry, in which along with her old job she was being offered a pay raise.

She threw it into the fireplace.  "I think I should take a sabbatical, stop for a while," she said, the words spoken quickly one after another.

Draco looked up from those number-filled sheets that were giving him a headache and focused on her. He raised an eyebrow. "Do you think you are physically capable of doing it?"

Hermione tapped him on the shoulder with a bundle of paperwork. "I'm not going to do nothing. I'd like to focus on this project," she continued, pointing to what they were working on, "and then maybe find some investors."

"I am your investor."

Hermione gave him a look that soon silenced him. "I know that," she sighed. "But with a little help I could apply this idea not only to muggleborns cause. We could help so many other categories, run campaigns to raise public opinion and force it to pay attention to certain issues."

"I would say we're quite good at raising public opinion."

Hermione smiled. "I realized that change in the ministry cannot start unless there is a push from outside first. I would like to be that push."

"Let me help you with that, then, Hermione Granger."

Another week passed when Hermione had to go to trial to testify against Pritchett and the rest of the fake healers and nurses who had kept her at St. Mungo's.

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