Tomorrow, and the day after that

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She hadn't been able to get out of bed that morning, and only the few hours her mind had sunk into the darkness of sleep had given her a chance to distract herself from the thought of that kiss.

She had kissed Draco Malfoy.

Her fingertips brushed against her lips once more as she thought back to the feel of Malfoy's on them.

She wasn't proud of the direction her thoughts were taking. That kiss had definitely been a mistake. Malfoy wasn't even her friend.... And even if he was, it was totally inappropriate and inconvenient for one's mind to formulate such thoughts about one's friends.

She needed to get up and go to the bathroom, pouring as much cold water on her face as she needed to get rid of all the images -some vivid and detailed ones- currently forming under her eyelids.

However, that simple little voice in her head urging her to do things was not strong enough this time.

Maybe just a call from outside would be able to get her up.

A call as strong as....

The doorbell.

She jumped out of bed both relieved and annoyed by the convenient interruption, rushing to the door with her heart in her throat. She breathed a sigh of relief when she looked through the peephole and realised it was Ginny.

She tried to calm her heartbeat with a few deep breaths but after a while, realising the futility of it, she resignedly opened the door, making a mental note to avoid coffee for the morning.

The redhead rushed into the flat seeming to pay no attention to Hermione's obvious agitation.

She leaned unsteadily on a kitchen stool and began spewing a stream of words that Hermione's brain, still clouded by sleep and the memory of the previous night, struggled to follow.

She could only make out the word 'sorry' in the midst of that endless stream, which made her blink and shake her head.

"F-for what?" she asked, inviting Ginny to sit down and explain herself better. Despite her current not-ideal state of mind, she could never really focus on the conversation when her friend persisted in rocking herself on the edge of the stool, giving her the impression that she might tip over at any moment.

"Well, about last night," the redhead replied, staring at her as if another head had popped up.

Hermione lowered her gaze. After what had happened with Draco and that letter, she had almost forgotten the not-so-pleasant evening she had spent at the burrow.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find a moment to talk to you," Ginny continued, getting up from her stool and heading towards the cooker as if she were at home. With a flick of her wand she put the water on for the tea.

Hermione didn't complain. In fact, she was grateful. Her knees seemed to have not yet regained their total solidity after Malfoy's kiss had reduced them to the consistency of melted pudding.

"Don't worry about it," she managed to reply when she realized that Ginny was still waiting for an answer. Then, considering it would probably be best if she did the talking, she asked, "Tell everything alright?"

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