You sing really well

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"Should I drop you"Neil asked as I was waiting for the driver.

"But Bhaiya said he will send the driver"

"Inform Shiv Bhaiya anyway I am going to Adi Bhaiya's house to gift Anaya as it's her fourth Birthday and I am sure you would be going there only"

"Yes let me inform him"

"Hello Bhaiya"I greeted after he picked the call after three rings.

"Hey Avu should I send the Driver"

"No Bhaiya, I will be at Adi Bhaiya's place with Neil as he is also coming there only" I informed.

"Aren't you spending a lot of time with Neil"He questioned and I could clearly imaging him raising his eyebrows.

"Bhaiya please I just met him today and I am coming with him just beacuse he is also coming to Adi Bhaiya's house"I groaned, he is really unbelievable.

"Ok ok but remember our never dating a cricketer pact"

"Cupcake ignore this idiot bestfriend of mine and come quickly" Adi Bhaiya probably snatched the phone from Shiv  Bhaiya.

"Ok bye bhaiya"As the line went silent from the other side.

"Chale"I asked settling in the passenger seat , he gave a nod and started driving.

I stared at Neil as his full attention was on driving I was really impressed by him, he remembered Anu's birthday and even bought a gift for her, mostly men tends to forget dates about wedding, birthdays and stuff.

"What"He asked breaking my revive.

"Nothing I was just asking if I can switch the radio on"I made up and excuse shaking my head.

"Sure"He replied with a small smile on his face.

"Tu Safar Mera hai tu hi meri manzil"

I started humming the lyrics of my most favourite song along with the radio.

"You sings really well"Neil complemented as I stepped out of the car.

"Thanks"I blushed and we made our way towards the elevator.

"What have you bought for Anaya"I asked pointing at the huge box wrapped in a pink wrapper in Neil's hand.

"A Frozen theme doll house set"

"That's awesome,she is going to love it"I said as Anaya is a big fan of Frozen.

I ranged the door bell and it was soon opened by Ani Bhabhi.

"Monkey"I jumped at Mahir as soon as I saw him relaxing on the sofa.

"Idiot why do you always have to irritate me"He murmered pushing me aside.

"Stop both of you or you two set of besties would be thrown out of the house get that"Zoya Bhabhi shouted directed towards Mahir and me, Adi Bhaiya and Shiv Bhaiya fighting in other corner of the room.

"Sorry"The four of us apologised sitting quietly.

"Ok comeon now it's cake time"Ani  Bhabhi bought a cake on a trolly.

"Come here Anu and Neil, let's cut the cake"Adi Bhaiya called Neil and Anu, who were playing together.

"Happy Birthday to you"

All of us sang as Anaya cut the cake standing in the middle with Adi Bhaiya and Zoya Bhabhi on her either side.

"Bye Bhaiyas"Neil hugged both Adi Bhaiya and Shiv Bhaiya as he was leaving we were done with the cake eating and dinner.

The one thing I have seen is that he is really close to both of Adi And Shiv Bhaiya and also he and Mahir are quite good friends.

"Good Night everyone I am going to sleep"I got up

"Avu Bua can I sleep with you today"Anu asked

"Ofcourse come"I picked her up and we both went to my room. 


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