You can hold my hand.

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"Bhabhi what should I wear for the airport"I asked doing the last minute packing. 

"Wait let me see"She entered my walk in closet as I stuffed my charger and other necessary items in my handbag.

"Here let's leave we will get ready in my room"Bhabhi handed me the clothes as I nodded and both of us left for her room. 

"You two are still not ready yet"Shiv Bhaiya asked tieing his shoelace.

"You go,take all the luggage to the car and then sit in the living room we will be ready in half an hour"Bhabhi instructed and Bhaiya quickly nodded ,how much big of a cricketer you are it doesn't matter,at home your wife is the boss.

I changed into a white sweatshirt with a heart on it and blue denims to pair it up with.

"Comeon Avu,Ani how much more time will you take"I sighed applying the gloss,Shiv Bhaiya being Shiv Bhaiya

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"Comeon Avu,Ani how much more time will you take"I sighed applying the gloss,Shiv Bhaiya being Shiv Bhaiya.

"Vi shut up,it's still three hours for the flight"Bhabhi shouted back at Bhaiya making me chuckle.

"But Adi  has already left for airport"He whined tapping his feet.

"Adi Bhaiya's house is far from airport then ours he will definitely leave earlie4 than us"I shrugged wearing the white sneakers in my feet.

"Bhabhi how am I looking"I asked twirling around.

"Perfect"Bhabhi replied applying lip gloss.

"Finally atleast someone is ready"Shiv Bhaiya sighed as I looked at him sitting on the bed.

"Bhaiya we have a lot of time"I sat beside him and engaged him in a conversation till the time Bhabhi gets ready. 

"Let's leave I am ready"Bhabhi said

"Finally all the luggage is already in the car,comeon quickly"Shiv Bhaiya literally ran towards the door.

Bhabhi and I shook my head and followed his suite


"Avu"Mahir hugged me tightly as soon as we entered the waiting lounge,I hugged him back.

"I am so excited for your engagement"I squealed breaking the hug while he chuckled.

"If you are done meeting your bestfriend we are here too"Bela shouted from the other end of the room standing with Nandani.

Thank God it was a private lounge or with all this craziness around people would have already declared us as mad.

"Coming"I said and trailed towards them and on my way noticed Neil typing furiously on his phone.

"Hello"I greeted and hugged both Bela and Nandani.

"Where is Naira"I asked as she was still not here neither was Kartik.

"Late like everytime all credits to Kartik"

"Isn't Manik coming"I asked on not seeing him anywhere.

"He is directly coming to Udaipur with mom and dad"I nodded at that and three of us got busy with our girls talk.

"You Idiot"A loud shout was heard as I look on to see Neil fuming and Kartik  standing in front of him with a guilty expression while Mahir standing beside Neil exapareted.

Naira shook her head and made her way towards us like it was the most normal thing.

"Shouldn't we stop Neil he looked so angry"I asked my eyes still on the scene,I haven't seen Neil so angry,he was so calm and sweet to me.

"Nope that's their everyday thing you don't need to be worried"Naira replied while I nodded still not understanding a thing.

"What did Kartik do this time that made Bhaiya angry"Nandani asked chuckling looking at the scene.

"Firstly Kartik got late as you know and second he lose Neil's charger which he has borrowed from him during practice"Naira explained,now I understood this two are so much like Shiv Bhaiya and Adi Bhaiya.

"Comeone it's boarding time"We made our way as Adi Bhaiya announced.

I looked around and saw that my sit was beside Neil opposite the window.

"Is this your seat"He asked and I gave a nod,"Would you mind exchanging it"I looked shocked how can someone exchange a window seat willingly.

"Ok"I shrugged and I went to the window, our legs slightly brushing.

Finally it was time for the flight to take off, I looked beside me to see that Ishan was clutching the seat handles tightly and his eyes were shut.

"Hey what happened"I asked

"Nothing just the flight take off scares me"He replies.

"You can hold my hand"I blurted out and he shot his eyes open.

"Thanks"He murmered and clutched my hand while I kept my other hand on his crasseing his hand slightly so that he could relax.

I was glancing at him only he was muttering something and there were traces of sweat on his forehead.

"Now you can open your eyes"I informed as now the plane was in air.

He opened his eyes and left my hand taking a breath of relief.

"Neil you are fine right,sorry I couldn't check on you earlier"Shivay Bhaiya came and said.

"I am fine Bhaiya"He replied

"Avu you ok right"Bhaiya asked me and I gave a nod and then went back to his seat.

I took out The Search of Love novel  from my handbag and started reading it for the nth time, while Neil was listening to music with his eyes closed leaning on the seat. 

"You love reading don't you"A voice startled me as I looked up and saw that it was Neil.

"Yes I do"I closed my novel not before folding the page I was reading.

"Do you like Reading"I continued with the conversation turning towards him.

"Not much like I just read some motivational books when I am down or when trolls gets to much"He replied

"That's great, Do you like anything other than reading"He asked

"Yes I love wandering around and playing guitar"I excitedly clapped my hands "Anyway what about you any hobbies or things you love doing"I asked.

"Are we playing twenty questions or somethig"He asked arching his brows.

"If you believe"I shrugged

"Ok ok, Cricket was my hobby and now it's my career so yes and also other than that I have a fetish for watches and car"He let out a chuckle , replying my former questions.

"Converting your hobby into your career is really commendable"I appreciated as it is really difficult to convert your hobby into your career.

"Any way now your turn to ask me a question"I motioned him.


We heard the announcement of landing as we tighten our seatbelt, it was really fun to talk to Neil , we talked about favourite movies to favourite food,anything and everything and I didn't even realised that it was almost time for landing

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