Cheers to our new friendship

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"Thanks it was actually built by my mom and dad and they would come here whenever they wanted peace from the hustle city but my mom"I said and stopped in the middle as I remembered what that vile women did to our family as I almost teared up.  

"Comeon now let's go inside I am so excited to watch the interiors"Avni  whined,thankfully not probing further into the topic.

"Sure let's go"I chuckled and we entered inside.

The whole interior was white and most of the roof was glass as to let the natural light enter as much as possible.

Avni twirled around under the glass roof as the sunlight fell on her,making her look no less than a fairy,I don't know why I even bought her here because except for my family no one knows about this but I felt like it.

"Comeon Neil.stop with the day dreaming"I pulled myself out of the thoughts.

"So what would you like to have Madam"I asked entering the kitchen

"I have heard that you make delicious cake from Mahir so I would love to have a red velvet cake "She replied playing along taking a seat at one of the bar stool as it was an open kitchen.

I took out all the ingredients necessary for the red velvet cake,and arranged them properly on the counter.

I took a bowl and started whisking the egg,I felt a stare on me when I looked up I saw Avni staring at me,I raised my eyebrows at her,she shooked her head smiling sheepishly.

"Madam will you help me"I asked

"Do you make all your customer work Mr Khanna"She countered making me smile

"No special treatment for you"I  replied.

We got done with the cake in fifteen minutes and we were smeared with flour,baking soda and what not,also we were smelling of eggs.

She cleaned her clothes and face and sat on the table as I took the cake.

"Cheers to our new friendship"We both said and cut the cake.

"Here"She forwarded the bite towards him as he bit on it and cut a piece of cake and forwarded towards her ,she  had it

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"Here"She forwarded the bite towards him as he bit on it and cut a piece of cake and forwarded towards her ,she  had it.

Then God knows what went in her mind that she applied the creme on my face 

"Avni that's not right at all"I whined and she pulled my cheeks as I looked at her in shock.

"Sorry"She apologised as soon as she  realised what she  did.

"Its ok now shall we leave"I asked not wanting her to be embrassed as she nodded and we packed the left over cake to take it for our families.

We stepped out of the bakery and saw that the sun was already setting as both of us got in the car and I started driving.

I stopped the car in front of her house as she got down and went inside the house,the whole ride was silent may be she is still embrassed about the incident earlier at the cafe.

I reached home and saw Nandu watching some series on T.V

"Want some cake"I asked showing her the bag of cake.

"You went to the bakery"She asked quickly taking the bag from me,I nodded at that.

"Wait a minute,as much as I know you don't like red velvet cake then why this"She asked stuffing the cake in her mouth.

"I went thier with a friend of mine and she likes red velvet cake"I replied taking a seat beside her.

"Did I just heard a she and you took her to the bakery"She clamped her hand to her mouth,really a drama queen she is.

"Shut up"I lightly hit her on her head.

"No but on a serious note she must be someone really special that you took her to the bakery"She raised her eyebrows at me.

"Stop with your nonsense or I will take the cake"I warned her getting up.

She turned her attention back to the T.V like nothing happened while I shook my head and made my way towards my room.

It was still evening so I decided on hitting the gym for an hour or so and quickly geared up for it.


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