Chapter 5: Get Real, Uce

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Gremory Villa
3rd Person POV
Days have passed throughout training camp. Progress in both skills, magic and studying have been made as much as possible at this point for the peerage of heir challenging Ryan Gremory. It was now the 8th day of the Handicap training camp set by current Duke, Zeoticus Gremory, and the day that Rias's stipulation would be announced.

Ryan was currently in his room once again, getting dressed for the upcoming meeting between him, his father and his sister. However, he soon felt that he wasn't alone anymore.

Ryan: Hm? What now?

Ryan looked around and spotted a black cat in front of the window.

Ryan looked around and spotted a black cat in front of the window

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Ryan: Oh. Hey Yoruichi.

Yoruichi: Hello Ryan. It seems that you're better at telling the difference of me and Kuroka.

Ryan: The two of you have much different personalities compared to each other. Besides, Kuroka would normally surprise me behind on my bed, not near my window.

Yoruichi said nothing and soon, mist began to appear. Ryan then looked to find that Yoruichi had transformed into her human form.

 Ryan then looked to find that Yoruichi had transformed into her human form

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Yoruichi: Well aren't you just a sucker sometimes.

Ryan didn't seem to have a response for Yoruichi. He only stared at her. The sight of him staring at her nude body gave Yoruichi as smirk.

Yoruichi: What's the matter? You're not so shy about the fact that you're staring at me naked a couple years ago.

Ryan: I've seen the sight of you naked enough to the point that I'm practically used to it.

Yoruichi: Is that so?

Ryan: I guess so. Anyways, what're you doing in here?

Yoruichi: You got a letter from the Devil Kings.

Ryan: Is that so? Perhaps I'll tell Sirzechs that I'm fine and I'm not going to let my sibling relationship with Rias hurt my chances of wi-

Yoruichi: It's from Serafall.

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