Chapter 18: To Her, 5 Years Ago

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Lucifer Stadium
3rd Person POV
The Peerage of Rias Gremory was seen walking around, making their own way outside the stadium.

Some one the members looked quite shocked to see what happened after Rias had defeated her cousin, Sairaorg. Including Rias herself.

Asia: No way....Did her brother really just tame a Dragon King?!

Gasper: And a month later, he's going to face off against Sairaorg himself!

Rias: He grew...another pair of wings.

Issei: What?

Rias turned to Issei.

Rias: Didn't you see? Ryan grew another pair of wings!

Issei: Oh shit...

Kiba: That's really just the best reaction anyone can have. Guess Satin Black is getting stronger by the minute.

Issei: Wait.

Issei stopped and turned to Kiba.

Issei: Did you just say, Satin Black?

Kiba: Oh. I did.

Issei: Who in the hell is Satin Black?!

Akeno: Satin Black is the nickname of the team that Ryan is in.

Issei: Wait, as not just Ryan, but also-

Akeno: You're correct Issei. It's also Damien Dantalion, Seth Sallos and Inei Valac.

Issei: Damn. That's erm....something.

Issei's Mind: (But I'm more nervous on why Ddraig was losing his shit over a sexy but scary dragon! What the fuck was that about?!)

As the group walked together, a sudden group of loud murmuring could be heard. Rias took a look from her surroundings to see Ryan and his peerage with Chisato and Tiamat by his side.

???: Mr. Gremory! Mr. Gremory!

???: Ryan! Right here for a moment please?!

???: What is Satin Black's intentions with going after Sairaorg Bael today?!

Individuals tried to stop him and get Ryan to talk. But he was trying to walk away. But it didn't take long for Seth, Inei and Damien to arrive. The three boys have blocked the paparazzi from getting after Ryan.

Inei: Hey hey hey, woah woah woah! Who in the fuck do you think you are?!

Seth: You think you're cool to come in here and barge in on a boy in Satin Black like that?

Inei: That's my job to take whatever you wanna throw!

Inei tried to go after a camera, but he was being held back by Damien.

Damien: Inei!

Ryan soon put a hand on Inei's shoulder. He made a hand signal with his hands acting like a dying match.

Ryan: Cool it.

Inei stared and Ryan and said nothing. He looked away and backed off, with Damien patting his shoulder. Ryan turned to a camera.

Ryan: Keep this on okay?

???: Got it.

Ryan: Sairaorg, know this bud. I'm not just gonna take you on like my sister did today. I will degrade you and your household at your home territory. This isn't about family, or anything personal. It's all business uce. So get real.

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