Chapter 11: Fade to Black

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3rd Person POV
A loud explosion had occurred inside the Occult Research Club Building. Everyone stopped fighting, especially Issei, Xenovia and everyone in Ryan's peerage still left. The massive group stared at the scene. The explosion looked to be quite well concentrated, as it left a large hole in the wall and rooftop for a small meteor to rest comfortably in.

However, out the building was Rias. She was flying as if she was blown away from the explosion. She hit the ground and lied there for a moment. Her voluptuous body was a little bruised, but her clothes were slightly torn. Once of her breasts was barely exposed.

Issei: Rias!

Rias slowly got up and looked at the aftermath of the explosion of the building. She had a look of shock on her face.

Rias: Asia!

Issei: What?! Asia?

Issei looked up and spotted Ryan lazily walking out from the shadows of the partially blown up ORC building. He gave a smirk at the people watching him.

Ryan: Hmph.

Ryan looked down to his right and stared at an unconscious Asia.

Ryan: Great healer, but a weak physical body. One hard hit would easily kill the poor girl. How sad.

Ryan carelessly tossed Asia's body out and off of the building. As she fell, Asia's body began to glow a blue to white color and soon, she had completely vanished.

Naud: Lady Rias: 1 bishop, retired.

Issei's eyes widened with shock. He felt the urge to scream and cry in pure rage.

Issei: Asia....

Issei growled in frustration and fury. He looked up into the air and roared.

Issei: ASIA!!!

Ryan: Jeez chill out. Aside from the talented healing sacred gear she's got, she really only showed to be a total spaz.


Ryan: Sheesh. For someone who's been with my sister for some time, you really show to talk and yell when things don't go your way. But put it to the brighter side, she can put her own level of power to shame against your weakest rook.

Rias growled at Ryan.

Ryan: Relax Rias! I'm talking about the nekomata!

Kuroka: Watch the words you say Ryan.

Ryan:....Fair point. But in my defense, we watched her develop all this time and she held back her true self. It's sad to see what she had feared.

Issei: Shut up! Quit insulting them!

Ryan snapped his fingers at Issei.

Ryan: Relax boy. I don't choose to say the word, insult. I prefer to say that I describe them.

Issei: Damn you!

Issei's Mind: (Damn it Ryan! I hate you for how you act! I just want to destroy him! For hurting Rias and Asia! I want to eviscerate him from this damn world!)

A voice was soon being heard loudly. Issei looked up with tears just sitting on his cheeks, to head Irina shouting.

Underworld Stadium
Irina was facing a crowd, with tears in her eyes, she shouted at them.

Irina: The Oppai Dragon has stood up countless times and had beaten powerful foes! We have to cheer him on! The Oppai Dragon is everyone's hero! Let's send him our cheers and chants together!

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