Chapter 10: A Flip of a Coin

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3rd Person POV
Mirajane and Akeno stood face to face with one another, not letting the other out of their sights. However, this stance wouldn't last long, as Akeno soon flew up into the air.

Akeno: Time to make the first strike!

Akeno formed a magic circle above her and casted her signature lightning. As the lightning began to crash and fall, Mirajane deflected the attack, sending it to move a different direction, which was the tennis courts. She looked back at Akeno with a seemingly disappointed look on her face.

Mirajane: Please tell me that your lightning isn't the only thing you have to help you win this. If so, you could be in for a long suffering, sweeetheart.

Akeno's Mind: (Damn! She can deflect attacks! If I don't find a new way to hit soon, she'll destroy not just me, but possibly everything around us!)

With Gasper and Moka
Moka charged at Gasper, using her leg to send Gasper to the trees behind him. He smacked the back of his head against the trunk. Before he could react, Moka moved quickly towards him and landed a hard punch to the gut. Gasper's head hit the tree again as he coughed out his spit just seconds after the punch.

Moka: Gross. You got that saliva of yours on me.

Moka grabbed Gasper by his shirt and threw him away from the tree and to the ground. He skidded across the ground, earning scrapes as he slowly came to a stop.

Moka: So pathetic. You have a sacred gear and yet you could never fight like a true warrior or a vampire! I'll be doing you a favor and eliminating you from this!

Gasper slightly looked up from his pupil. He couldn't show his face. He wanted to get up and fight, but the pain he just felt and the possible concussion kept him from moving right now.

Moka was moments away from making a potential finishing move on Gasper, but was stopped by a certain noise.


Moka: Huh?! Excuse me you bra-

Mina turned around only to get sucker punched in the face by Issei's Boosted Gear

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Mina turned around only to get sucker punched in the face by Issei's Boosted Gear. The punch sent her back back a bit and onto the ground on her back. She sat up and wiped her mouth.

Moka: Well don't you pack a punch?

Issei glared at Moka.

Issei: Don't you dare lay a hand on Gasper! If you want him, you'll go through me first!

Moka: Oh finally! Someone who wants to take charge of a fight! Where was this with your little friend?!

Issei: Shut up!

Issei and Moka ran towards one another and began to throw punches at a somewhat high speeds, some where blocked, but the others either landed somewhere minor or missed.

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