Chapter 20: The Will of Resistance

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Grassy Field
3rd Person POV
Beruka sat on his horse while Moka, Shuna, Saeko and Siesta had stood in place, ready for batttle.

Soon, Beruka made the first move of the match, moving at light speed and went after Saeko with his lance. But unfortunately for him, Saeko read his attack and used her katana to block the attack from the oncoming lance.

As Beruka was going lance to sword with Saeko, Shuna fired a blue fire attack. However, Beruka caught her attack and dodged Shuna's flames. He moved back to his original spot in the process of landing.

With the addition of his speed as a knight, Beruka jumped upwards into the air. He used his magic to form multiple replicas of himself as well as the horse he rode on.

Saeko: Damn it! Siesta!

Siesta: I'm on it!

Shuna: I'll assist!

Siesta pulled out her musket and aimed at Beruka and his replicas. Shuna formed magic circles in her hand.

Soon, Beruka began to charge with his replicas at a fast pace. Siesta began to fire shots from her musket while Shuna fires small balls of holy magic at rapid and fast pace. One by one, Beruka's Replicas began to vanish as they were eliminated to the point where the real Beruka was left standing in the charge.

Moka charged forward and landed a punch straight to the gut to Beruka, which now knocked him off of his horse and falling to the ground.

Beruka grabbed his lance a mind turned around. He spotted Saeko flying at him with her sword. He used his lance to block her attack.

With her attack failed, Saeko moved back, letting Beruka get up to his feet again. Moka moved quickly next to Saeko. She took off her cross, letting Inner Moka out.

Saeko: Are you ready, Moka?

Moka: Only when you are.

Saeko: Good.

Saeko and Moka never kept their eyes off of Beruka together. They made their movements in syncs towards him as he kept in stance with his lance. Saeko then began to run faster and gained more momentum.

However, Siesta fired a round of her musket, which collided with Beruka's hand, causing him to drop his lance. Saeko and Moka took their open opportunity and finished a double hit on him. Saeko went low to his calf's from behind with her sword while Moka drop kicked him in the face.

Beruka fell beackwards onto his back. The three girls moved back away from the man. He looked up to see Shuna in the air with several massive magic circles in the air. She held a closed eye smile on her face.

Shuna: Checkmate.

Shuna soon fires the attack on Beruka, unleashing a massive golden beam of light that coated much more than the area Beruka lied on.

After the attack, there was a massive hole in the ground, and Beruka was no where to be found.

Naud: This battle is over! Lord Sairaorg: 1 knight, retired! Lord Ryan: 0 servants retired! The winner of this match is Ryan Gremory!

With Ryan Gremory's Peerage
Saeko, Shuna, Moka and Siesta returned to the peerage, celebrating their win against Beruka with their comrades.

Saeko meanwhile turned to Touma and patted his spiky black hair.

Saeko: Told ya just to watch me, Touma!

Touma: Yeah, you did tell me that. That was pretty damn nice to see.

Saeko: Thank you!

Ryan turned to the girls and gave them high fives.

Ryan: Nice work.

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