Chapter 5

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Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and Brandon and Kaylee were having the time of their lives. Kaylee made it a point to try to see all of his games and he went to help her out at the team she coached. They grew closer with every day and Kaylee had never been as happy as she was with him. Kaylee still maintained they were only friends with benefits but everyone who knew them, saw them as a couple. Finally one their one year friend anniversary Brandon asked the question.

They were sitting in a restaurant and Kaylee could tell something was on Brandon's mind.  "What's up Brandon? You seemed off all evening."

Brandon gave her a soft smile, "Sorry Kay. I've had a lot on my mind."

"Well talk to me, maybe I can help."

Brandon chuckled, "Here's the thing. It's been a year since we've started our friends with benefits relationship and I want to take it to the next level. I'm in love with you Kaylee and I want to call you my girlfriend."

Kaylee's mouth dropped opened, "You love me?"

"Of course I love you. I have loved you for a long time. I know I said I would wait until you're ready but I want to officially ask you to be my girlfriend."

Kaylee giggled, "Well, I guess we could upgrade our relationship. Besides most people assume we're a couple anyways."

Brandon smiled at her and Kaylee felt her face flush. She loved Brandon's smile. Smiling inwardly Kaylee knew that this was coming. It was only a matter of time until they made it official. Once they finished up their dinner, Brandon held out his hand.

"Come on girlfriend, let's have a night to remember."

Kaylee grinned, "Okay boyfriend, I'm down."

The next morning Kaylee woke up before Brandon. She looked over and saw him sleeping peacefully beside her. She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. One of Brandon's eyes opened and he smiled against her lips. "Good morning beautiful," he whispered sleepily. 

"Good morning handsome. I'm going to make us some breakfast."

Brandon grumbled, "Come back to bed, it's too early."

Kaylee laughed, "Get up you big lump. The day's a wasting." 


Brandon watched Kaylee as she skipped away, "Damn it, she's gorgeous. I'm a lucky guy." He yawned and than crawled out of bed and threw on his clothes. He walked out of the bedroom and came up behind her. Kaylee jumped as his arm wrapped around her and he kissed her neck. Brandon chuckled. He loved making Kaylee jump. 

"I love you Kaylee Brooks."

"I love you Brandon Maddox. What time do you have to be at practice?"

Brandon looked at his watch, "In a couple hours. I have time." He started kissing her neck and slipped his hands under her shirt. "In fact, I can think of a few things we can do to pass the time."

Kaylee giggled and pushed him away, "Stop distracting me. Go sit at the table."

"Yes boss," he said as he saluted Kaylee. He grinned at her eye rolling. Kaylee was so fun to rile up. They spent a wonderous morning together. He gave Kaylee a kiss goodbye and went off to practice.

"Dude, where have you been?" Leo asked.

Colton snorted, "Where do you think he's been? I bet my money he has been banging Kaylee 24/7."

Brandon slugged his shoulder, "Yeah, yeah. Shut up.  Not that it's any of your business but as you described it, yes, I've been banging my girlfriend."

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