Chapter 10 {Epilogue}

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5 years later

"How's my beautiful wife and daughter today?" Brandon said as he leaned over the chair and kissed Kaylee on the forehead.

"We are doing just fine," Kaylee smiled as she rested her hand on her swollen belly. At 8 months pregnant, Kaylee felt huge but Brandon loved seeing her swell with his child. He refused to miss anything to do with the pregnancy since he wasn't part of the previous one. 

"Dad, dad, I passed my swimming class!" Calvin bounded over to him. At 8 years old he was a little swimmer. He loved everything to do with swimming. His parents tried to put him in other sports to try which he did but swimming won every time. 

Brandon lifted him up in his arms and hugged him, "Congrats kiddo. I knew you could do it."

"Good job Calvin. I'm so proud of you," Kaylee smiled. 

"Thanks mom. I'm going to be the best swimmer I could be and than I can teach my little sister how to swim."

Kaylee giggled, "Hold your horses, it will be many years before she get's old enough."

"Yeah, but I'm going to be the best big brother there is. But you know, I wouldn't mind another brother." Calvin turned and ran down to beach to go swimming again.

Brandon smirked, "Well, we will get right on that."

Kaylee rolled her eyes, "You just want to knock me up."

"Do you blame me? You are gorgeous all the time but I love seeing you swollen with my child. And don't get me started on the sex."

Kaylee giggled, "We have sex all the time regardless of if I'm pregnant or not."

"You know, if you keep talking about that, I will drag you off to the nearest tree and have my wicked way with you."

"Stop teasing, you can have your wicked way with me tonight after Calvin goes to sleep."

"I'll hold you to that. See you soon little pumpkin," Brandon said as he leaned over and kissed her belly and than kissed Kaylee. He than ran over to where Calvin was and they started playing together.

Kaylee smiled as she watched the two loves of her life. Her hand rubbed her stomach, "You are going to be so loved little one. I'm so excited to met you for the first time."

Kaylee sighed happily and leaned back and closed her eyes. Her thoughts drifted back to when Brandon spontaneously asked her to marry him.

5 years ago

"Omg, Brandon. What are you doing?"

"Asking you to marry me. So what do you say? Feel like getting hitched?"

"Uh, yes, a thousand times yes!" Kaylee giggled as Brandon took the ring and put it on her finger. "It's gorgeous."

"Not as gorgeous as you," he replied. 

Kaylee smiled and kissed him on the lips. "Calvin will be so excited," she murmured.

"We can tell him tomorrow at breakfast, right now I want to take my fiancé and fill her up with my seed. I want your belly swollen with my child."

"Better get on that than handsome," she giggled.

Brandon took her hand and led her up to the bedroom where they made love multiple times all through the night. 


Kaylee's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain in her stomach. She felt a gush of liquid go down her legs. "Okay, I'm early. I'm in labor. Shit." 

She looked over to where Brandon and Calvin were playing in the sand. "Brandon," she yelled.

Brandon looked up and jogged over to her. "What's up?"

"Get me to the damn hospital. My water broke."

Brandon's face paled and he froze on the spot. "Hello? Brandon?" Kaylee said as she waved her hand in front of his face.

"What's wrong with dad?" Calvin asked as he came up to them.

"Your dad is in shock. My water broke which means you will be getting a little sister sooner than expected."

Brandon finally shook himself out of his frozen state. "Right, hospital. Babysitter for Calvin."

Kaylee tried to laugh but grimaced at the pain, "It's okay love, just take a deep breath. Cassidy can pick him up from the hospital. Give her a call on the way. Now take my hand, I need help getting up."

Brandon followed the instructions and drove like a maniac to the hospital thankful that there were no cops on the road. Cassidy came to pick up Calvin and than Brandon went to Kaylee's side.

"I can't believe it's time. I'm so excited. Thank you for bringing another child of mine in the world," Brandon said as he kissed her damp forehead.

"Word of advice," Kaylee said as another contraction hit, "Don't take what I say to heart during the labor."

"Uh, okay?" Brandon agreed not understanding but once the labor got underway, Brandon knew exactly what she meant when she said don't take to heart. 

13 hours later, Brandon and Kaylee welcomed a beautiful little girl into the world. 

"You did amazing. She is gorgeous like her mother," Brandon smiled softly down as he rubbed the baby's head.

"Excuse me, do you have a name for your baby so we can register it?" a nurse kindly asked.

Brandon and Kaylee looked at each other and smiled, they had mulled over many names but as soon as they saw her they knew what she was. "Paige," Kaylee said. "Paige Avery Maddox."

"Welcome to the family Paige," Brandon said softly.

Paige stared up at him and cooed. A few minutes later Calvin came into the room with Cassidy.

"Yay! I have a baby sister. I'm going to be the best big brother ever." Calvin came over and climbed into the bed with Kaylee and gently touched Paige's head. "She's so tiny. Are they suppose to be tiny?"

Kaylee smiled, "Yes sweetheart, babies are tiny but soon she will grow and be as big as you."

Cassidy mouthed "Congrats" to Kaylee and left to give the family some private time. 

Kaylee sighed happily as she looked down at the baby in her arms, than over at Calvin and last being Brandon sitting beside her on a chair on the other side. "I don't know what will happen in the future but I know that whatever happens, the four of us together can get through anything," Kaylee thought to herself. She closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep surrounded by her beautiful family. 


And it's done! Thanks for being part of Brandon's and Kaylee's story. The next book in the series will be on Calvin!

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