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Hello loves. I've decided to make some short stories aside from my main books about other characters that you want me to do. If there is anyone else you want me to write about then I would love to have suggestions in the comments. This one is about Y/n and Chase Atlantic if you couldn't tell, I hope you like it. I appreciate you reading, please give suggestions if something is wrong, positivity around here. I hope you enjoy<3.


You are staring at your phone as you walk through the mall in California. About to go home you're looking to see if everything on your early list for the summer is handled or checked off so you can have the best and only 2018 summer of your life. It may only be the beginning of April but stores always stock up early and if you go when summers starting you know you won't get anything at all. So with that being the case you decided to go the first weekend in April.

You got all dressed up to "dress for the part" as your friend would say. You pulled on a black crop top with a graphic rose and two skeleton hands, a pair of baggy pants that have a flame design on them with a belt chain, some combat boots, chains, and rings this morning leaving your long h/c h/t hair down. You are texting someone and not paying attention, sloppily avoiding obstacles and people. Then, you walk into someone.

"Oh my god I am so sorry." Y/n says, looking up after almost tripping over yourself and dropping your phone. You dropped all your bags and they spilled a little on the floor, including your Chase Atlantic 'Chase Atlantic' album on vinyl.

"It's okay." A blond guy in an Australian-American mixed accent said. "Do you need any help?" He asked as you scrambled to grab all of your things.

"No no it's okay, it's my fault. I wasn't looking." You nervously ramble. You see a hand picking up the vinyl. Suddenly you realize there are two other guys, one with braids, one with fluffy black hair, and the other overly gorgeous looking blond. How much more embarrassing can this get? The guy with the braids held the record and his eyes widened.

"Do you know who these guys are?" He asked, with an accent similar to the other one.

"No, not really." He handed you the record and you put it in one of your bags. "My obsessed friend told me to get into them so that's what I've been trying to do, they're really amazing though so I see why she is." They all look at each other then at you, you raised a brow at them. "Why?.." You drag.

"No reason." The blond said with a smile. "What's your name?" He reached out his hand and you shook it.


"I'm Chrisian, you can call me Kraz. These are my two best friends Mitchel and Clinton." He pointed at them.

"What up?" Mitchel said.

"Hey." Clinton waved his hand.

"Nice to meet you all." You say in your politest tone.

"So," Kraz pulls your not full hand closer to him and spins you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You tried your hardest not to blush. "What about this band intrigued you?" So you began on the story. The entire way out of the mall they asked you questions and you replied with your honest answer, thus asking them questions back.

You exchanged numbers with them all before going back to your car but you couldn't get them out of your head for the rest of the day.

With your attraction to this Kraz character and the way they all looked at you with nothing but wonder as they accepted you into their group, you had a feeling this was the start of a crazily amazing friendship. Little did you know this was the start of your whole life; career, love, friendship, and happiness all included.

Chase Atlantic x Y/n: How Did I Get Here?Where stories live. Discover now