Chapter One: One Year Later

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"CHRISTIAN!" You screamed up the stairs of your house. "CLINTON! MITCHEL!" You started stomping up the stairs as you yelled their names more. "If you guys don't get your asses downstairs and out the door I'mma hurt someone!" You yell again, turning the knob to Mitch's room. Walking in you look around, not noticing anyone, so you move on to Clinton's room. Again, nothing. So you crept into Kraz's room and prepared for the worst, as soon as you opened the door you were met with a wall of fabric and fluff.

"Surprise!" All of them yelled. You let out a giggling scream and grabbed a pillow at their second swing to defend yourself.

"Y'all are fucked now!" You ran at them and had a pillow fight. You obviously win, and kick them out of the room, forcing them downstairs. You huffed and dropped the pillow at the top of the stairs before walking down as they waited for you laughing their asses off at the end. "Come on, we're going to be late!"

"Oh Y/n," Mitch says through his giggles, "We're just fine." He waved his hand at you.

"Not if you wanna get Starbucks we don't." You tell them sassily. They got up and straightened out real quick. Mitch and Kraz grabbed their keys off the rack and walked out the front door.

"Come on Y/n, what's taking you so long?" Kraz said before walking out the door, you followed him out locking the door.

"Okay who's going with who?" Clinton asks. You go to open your mouth and walk over to Kraz but feel hands on your waist before a word could start coming out of your mouth.

"Me and Y/n, Clinton and Christian?" Mitch pulls you in and puts his arms around your shoulders swaying with his words before kissing you on the cheek. Your heart drops a little at the fact that you won't spend a whole car ride with Christian but you plastered on a smile to not let him know that. You meet Kraz's eyes finding fire and annoyance in them as he looks at his bandmate.

You always wanted to know if the blondy of the band likes you because god knows that you like him. You've just never had the guts to ask since you were on tour with them, you didn't want to make the atmosphere anxious or awkward.

"Yeah sure."

"Fine." Christian growled. You rounded Mitch's car and got in the passenger seat of his convertible.

Y'all made it to Starbucks and you paid for everything then Mitch took you to Dunkin' while Kraz and Clint waited for you in the parking lot because the only thing you like at Starbucks is their pinkdrink. You admired the sky as the sunrises on the way there with music blaring. Mitch left you in charge of DJing because he was driving so you turned on your favorite playlist and started swaying and scream singing along as you ate. You were in the middle of a song when Mitch turned it down from his steering wheel.

"What the fuck was that for?" You pout.

"I have a question," he asks, completely ignoring you. "Do you like Kraz?" You went red in the face at his words.

"No." You lied, taking a bite from your sandwich hoping to hide your smile.

"Really?" He said in a misbelieving tone, turning his head between you and the road. "I think you're lying to me."

"No.." Your voice picked up an octave. Shit. "Honestly, I don't like Kraz."

"Is that why you went to walk over to him earlier?" Your eyes widened. You were caught red handed in your lie. "I felt your heart miss a beat when I insisted on you riding with me so don't even say-"

"Fine, I like him! Happy now?!" He sat back in his seat in satisfaction.

"Very much so actually." You groan.

"Is it really that obvious?"

"Oh only a lot." Mitch waved his hand at you. "To me anyways." You roll your eyes at him, taking an angry bite out of your sandwich. "So tell me, what are you going to do about this massive crush of yours?" He batted his lashes at you so you swatted his face away.

"Look at the road you asshat." You guys shared a laugh. After a second of silence and thought your voice finished filling the dimly music lit void. "I honestly don't know."

You rant to him about your feelings towards the band member and he gave you some well thought out advice. When you guys arrived Mitch and Kraz parked side by side and you all walked in together.

Chase Atlantic x Y/n: How Did I Get Here?Where stories live. Discover now