Chapter Six: Opening Doors

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Waking up at around noon was what you needed. Your eyes flipped open and looked up at Kraz completely wrapped around you. You kissed his chest and tried your hardest to slip out of his grip but he tightened his hold.

"Now where do you think you're going?" He asks sleepily.

"To go get food because I'm starving." He groaned.

"But I don't want to let go."

"So then come with me."

"But I'm comfy."

"Then stay here." You slipped out of his grip and he groaned again. You grabbed your phone then he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Ugh, how dare you make me wake up this early."

"It's noon so shut up." You tell him before walking out the door. As soon as you start going down the stairs the door to your room flies open and outruns Kraz. You squeal, racing down the stairs to find Mitch and Clint already making breakfast, or brunch.

"Hi guys, good morning, how are you?!" You ask, picking up a piece of bacon then racing past them.

"Come here!" Kraz yells.

"Neverrr!" He chases you around the island a few times before following you to the living room where he grabs you by the waist.

"Gotcha!" He laughs, you squeal only to start dying laughing when he dives into your sides.

"L-lEt Me GoO" you try to say through your laughter.

"You gonna run away from me?!" He asks, you shake your head. "Say it! Come on!"

"No! I promise!" He lets go but hovers his hands over you.

"Who's the best boyfriend?"

"You are! Now leave me be!"

"Alrighty then, I like that answer." He grabs your hand helping you up off the floor. You both walk back to the kitchen and you start making some tea.

"Does anyone else want some?"

"Yes please." The three of them say in unison. Grabbing four cups from the cupboard you set them out pouring in the preferred sugar and milk then tea water. They grabbed their mugs, all kissing you on the cheek and Kraz on the lips in thank you then walked over to the living room with plates in their hands. You followed them all with your own plate, cuddling up next to Kras as Clinton put on your favorite show. Y'all ate in peace, completely enjoying each other's company.

For the rest of the day you guys mostly watched Disney movies and baked cookies. The Phases Tour had just ended so you all were relaxing after being on the road all summer.

After the day at the mall you got to know the Chase Atlantic crew pretty well. You talked to them for about a month and a half before they told you they were Chase Atlantic making you almost have a cow. They justified not telling you by saying they were making sure you weren't going to use them for money or fame, which you understood. You guys hung out a couple times over the summer before you went back to school but nothing changed after that. You guys would keep in touch all the time, practically texting every day throughout your entire senior year. After the album Phases came out you were the first one to know about the tour before it was announced to their fans, they wanted you to come with them. You gave the offer no consideration, you said yes right on the spot so they promised you they would give you something in return. They ended up coming to your graduation ceremony and everything once you graduated; giving you flowers, taking pictures with fans, even taking you home to pack for the trip in this nice ass jeep. To say the least, your friendship has sparked sense then.

When you were in the middle of singing along to the Muses from Hercules, completely annoying Kraz, Clint came out of the mini studio you set up for them in the office asking for your help.

"Sure what's up?" You followed him. He showed you a few beats that you liked but one really stuck out to you.

"I love that last one like so much. It needs a little tweaking but other than that it's perfect."

"I knew you would." Clint chuckled.

For the next three hours you sat next to him helping him out and learning how to make beats. Every once in a while, Kraz and Mitch would walk in asking if y'all needed anything but other than that you sat uninterrupted. Once you guys finished you walked out stretching your back then plopped on Kraz's lap.

"Tired now?"

"Mhm." You muttered. Kraz laughed at you and stroked your head.

"Come on, I'll take you to bed." You both get up and start up the stairs but then Mitch calls your name.

"Y/n! Y/n! Come down here! It's important!"

"Ugh I'm tired, it can't wait until tomorrow?" You whined, walking back down the stairs.

"No it can't. Now sit down." You and Kraz sit down and he stares at you blankly with his phone in his hand.

"What's up Mitchel?" You ask him low key concerned.

"You know how you sang yesterday and it was fucking amazing?" He sits down next to you.

"I don't think I was that good but okay." Both of them look at you with a 'you've gotta be fucking kidding me' look.

"It was fucking amazing, Y/n shut up." Kraz tells you. You raise your hands in defense.

"Someone recorded you and it went completely viral. Taylor swift commented on it-"

"She did what now?! Let me see this shit." You grab his phone and open it seeing the video and looking at the comments finding hers

'If she did a cover I would promote it. Hell, I would sign her.'


"What the fuck.." you mutter. "What? Guys this is huge!" You look between them both grinning hugely.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you! But what I wanted to say was I have a proposition for you."

"Hit me."

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