Chapter Eight:First Time

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Chase Atlantic all posted at the same time the tour dates for BEAUTY IN DEATH with guests Xavier Mayne and Y/n L/n. You were beyond excited to go on tour with them but were a little pissed off.

"I'm going on tour with you guys?!" You yelled running down the stairs. "Why didn't you tell me!?" They all were sitting down stairs at 12:05 in the morning watching TV.

"We just did." Clinton answered slyly.

You did a few shows around in LA after the drop of your EP to see if the fans wanted you to go on tour and it was a complete hit. Every show was sold out but you performed in little theaters to be more personal with your fans, but this was a huge jump. This wasn't just a little tour in a few states, it was worldwide at thousands of seating arenas.

"This is huge guys! I don't think you understand-"

"Oh we do." Kraz got up and walked over to you. "This is you flourishing Y/n, this is you showing everyone that didn't believe in you what they missed out on. Show them that." He grabbed you by the face leaning his forehead against yours.

"I'll try." You said quietly. He kissed you softly before yanking your arm to join them on the couch.

~A few Months Later~

You were fiddling with the microphone in your hand while the team checked to make sure your earpiece was working. Today was the first night of tour and you were freaking the fuck out to say the least. You were about to go out into a 20,000 people arena and perform your entire EP along with a few covers: Can't Stop Dancin' by Becky G, Vagas by Doja Cat, she's all I wanna be by Tate McRae, Burn by David Kushner, Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift, and Everything I wanted by Billie Eilish. All together you should be on stage for about an hour and a half.

"Two minutes until showtime." Someone with a clipboard told you. Your leg bounced even more as your hands shook.

"Y/n." Someone said turning the corner. You found your boyfriend of ten months standing face to face with you. "You okay? You ready for this?" You held out your shaky hands.

"Does it look like I'm ready for this?" Kraz pulled you into a hug.

"You're going to do amazing, I know you are."

"There's 20,000 people out there, what if I mess up?" You started overthinking, Kraz shut it down real quick.

"This isn't nothing compared to your video. The one that started all of this got 20 Million views, that's like a thousand times this. And if something happens, laugh it off. These people don't care, they love you for you and your music. If you mess up they'll fill the void, I promise they've memorized all of your lyrics." He rubbed your arms. "You got this." He looked at you.

"Fifty seconds! Are you ready Y/n?" You nodded your head at the guy with the clipboard again.

"Kiss me." You told Kraz. He did just that, grabbing your waist and pulling you close. Swiping his tongue over yours as your lips parted then pulled away. The lights on stage turned off as did everything else in the arena, the fans screamed so loud you couldn't hear yourself think. "I love you."

"I love you more." Kraz said back. You ran out on stage for your position, starting your concert. You had black ripped jeans on, a black crop top with a spray-painted design on it, and a flannel tied around your waist.

They loved you. You bloomed out on stage, clicking with your back up dancers, not even having to think about what you were doing. Your fans sang every lyric, even to the songs that weren't yours and you communicated with them having a small break after you were done performing your EP. Finally it was time for the boys to make their grand entrance.

"Let me hear you New York!" You yelled, everyone cheered. "I can't thank you guys for coming out tonight because it wouldn't match the gratitude I have for you all starting my career." You took a breath, wiping the sweat off of your hair line. "I won't be too sappy of an exit but know this, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all of you. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart but I won't keep you any longer from what you came here to see." They cheered at you and you bowed. "Goodbye, I love you all." You kissed your hands a few times sending it out to them. Once you walked off the room went dark again. The lights flickered white, enough for someone to have a seizure. The guitar solo from Paranoid started and they screamed even louder, then a combination of songs played after. You met up with the guys before they went out.

"Good luck." You gave them all a hug then kissed Kraz.

"You're coming with us." He told you after tearing apart your lips.

"What do you mean? No I'm not." You look at him confused.

"You wanna go public right?" You nodded. "Then come with me." He dragged you by the forearm and followed Mitch and Clinton. You took the stairs to the back screen, where it was going to flash and you could see their outlines from the crowd. The plan was the crowd would see them, then jump up from a hole in the floor like Billie did in her concerts. You all got there just in time. The white flashed, Kraz spun you around then dipped you kissed you in front of everyone making the fans go wild.

"That was a good way to do it." You whisper to him.

"I know, I'm smart sometimes." He laughed. "Now get out of here." You turned around and started walking away but he slapped your ass making you yipe and bite your lip. Watching them perform made you smile the whole way through. The last song was the hit you guys made together so you had to run back out there at your part. You had a feeling deep in your bones as they shook from them base that this was going to be one hell of a fun fucking tour.

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