Sorcerer's Stone- 03

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When the sorting ceremony was officially done, a feast appeared in front of us. There were so many different foods, some I had never seen before. I just looked at it all, I knew if my aunt and uncle saw me with all this food, they would send me out of the room and only bring me a small amount of something bland later. They always said, "all you have going for you is your looks, the more you eat the more they go away and you will be completely worthless to everyone". A part of me wanted to eat it all as a rebellion against them, but the other part of me had their word playing in my head louder and louder whenever I looked at the food. When you have been told the same thing over and over again by the people who are supposed to love you, you can't just unlearn it. 

I finally just grabbed the potatoes putting a little on my plate and an apple to go with it. I still felt the dark haired professor's eyes on me. I couldn't bare to look up at him so I just kept my eyes on my food. Soon enough though we were being directed to follow our prefects to our house common rooms. It seemed like Slytherin's house was smaller than the other houses. We walked lower and lower through the castle until we reached a portrait. 

"Merlin," the prefect said to it, the living portrait nodded and opened allowing us all passage. The common room was just as beautiful as the rest of the castle, granted it was darker. There was a beautiful brick fireplace with a full wall of bookshelves on either side of it. The couches were a green velvet and looked so comfortable, I felt so comfortable here and at home. I almost didn't notice the giant wall of windows showing that we were underwater, and we had a  beautiful view. 

"Girls to the left and boys to the right" the prefect said, I followed the female prefect through a hall over rooms. "Look for your name on the door, your belongings will already be there". I walked to the very end of the hall before I found my name, along with the name Pansy Parkinson under it. I opened the door and walked in and a dark haired girl followed me. 

"Hi, I'm Pansy", she introduced putting her hand out. 

"Hi, I'm Daria" I shook her hand. 

"Isn't this all so amazing? I mean it's beautiful, and I have seen high-class" she said looking around and flopping onto the bed closest to her. 

"It really is", I continued to look around, the room match the common room, it was all green and black and silver, with antique-looking furniture. Our trunks and belongings were sat at the foot of our beds. We each had our own bed with beautiful green drapes and black silk sheets, a nightstand on both sides, a bookshelf, desk, and closet. We have had a couch and table and bathroom to share. 

"I don't think there will be enough room for all my clothes", Pansy looked worried looking around her side of the room. 

"Well I don't have a lot of clothes, you may use have half my closet", I offered her. 

"Really?"She looked shocked. 

"Yeah, all I have to hang are my robes and uniform tops". 

"You didn't bring all your clothes?" 

"No, I did, I just don't own a lot". I shrugged and she looked at me like I had a third eye. She ran over to my belongings and went through them. 

"Oh my merlin, you have hardly any clothing, I can't allow this" suddenly she was pulling out her belongings and making piles. I know our trunks are bewitched to hold a lot of things and be organized but every time I thought there was no way she could pull more out, she did. "Okay, these you can I have, they are old and out of date, but I kept them for emergencies," she handed me the smaller of the piles and it had a few sweaters, a few skirts, a dress, some leggings and a nice green leather jackets with a gold snake on the back, I loved it. Before I could express my gratitude, she continued "these we can share, just let me know if you wear them". 

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