Sorcerers Stone- 05

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We were on the train back home for Christmas, I accepted Remus's invitation to join them for Christmas since I was 80% sure if I went back to the Dursleys they would not allow me to come back. 

"What is Christmas with Remus like?" I asked Harry. 

"We don't have much, so Remus and I always get each other one present to assure we can get all the Weasleys presents as well. We decorate the tree on Christmas eve, then we sleep in and exchange presents before we bake Christmas cookies, and are usually at the Weasleys early afternoon until dark for Christmas dinner!" Harry's eyes beamed thinking about their traditions.

"That sounds wonderful!" I watched the snow fall to the ground as the train sped by. It wasn't long until we were on the platform where Remus was waiting for us with open arms. 

"Welcome back kids!" He greeted pulling us into a hug. He immediately started asking Harry all sorts of questions about Hogwarts and Gryffindor's house specifically. I just hung back following their lead so that they could catch up. "Okay hold on both of you." Harry held his hand and I held Harry's as we walked into an empty hallway, suddenly I was being spun around and pulled on before appearing in the entry of a house. 

"Oh, my lord!" I yelled as I lost my balance falling to the floor with a room spinning around me. 

"Sorry Daria, I should have warned you about apparition", Remus chuckled helping me stand up and regain my balance. I took a few deep breaths and slowly looked around. We were in a small cottage, to my left was the living room and kitchen, and to my right were some thin stairs. But the size isn't what caught my attention, it was the plate magically washing, and the broom sweeping the floor with no one holding it up. The walls were lined with moving pictures, like the halls of Hogwarts, but these didn't talk. 

"Wow" I looked around wide-eyed.

"Harry, why don't you give Daria a tour, it's not much but, I managed to conjure up a room for you", Remus winked at me. Harry excitedly ran up the stairs with me in town and we found 4 doors at the top, two were closer together than normal. 

"This is my door" Harry's name was written in paint on the door in front of him. 

"So this one is probably mine", we both opened the door and walked in. My room was simple, not what I had at Hogwarts, but way more than I had at the Dursleys. There was a full-sized bed in the corner with a very warm-looking blanket on it, there was a nightstand, bookshelf, and door. The other door leads to a small closet with a dresser in it. Nothing was decorated and it wasn't a large room so it was a very cozy feeling, like the rest of the house. 

"I split Harry's room in half and used a charm to make it a bit bigger", Remus spoke standing in the doorway. 

"You didn't need to do this, I mean it's only for the holiday". 

"I want you to know you can come to visit anytime, you have your own space". I smiled at him. "Well unpack quickly, we better get our shopping done before everything good is taken!" I got to unpacking what I brought with me. My mind kept straying to the possibility of living here with Remus and Harry. Maybe I could have a chance to live in a happy home and escape the constant fear and abuse at the Dursleys. I could have a real home. I grabbed a jumper that Pansy gave me and put it on with a pair of leggings and converse. I walked down the stairs to hear Remus and Harry laughing in the living room. 

"What's so funny?" I asked, Remus turned and I saw his face fall. 

"I was telling him how I managed to make it onto the quidditch team" Harry was still laughing. 

"We should go", Remus said rushing us to the fireplace. He handed each of us a handful of dust, "say where you want to go loudly and clearly, then throw the dust down. Be sure to move out of the way quickly on the other side". Harry went first. 

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