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"This is our last session and I wanna try something." Darcy said. "You've got everything you wished for so far but it's still one thing that you haven't noticed yet, an assumption that I got wrong myself. I can't believe that this was something that I didn't notice or point out in the beginning." She explained.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said as i placed my hand on my stomach.
"Lay back on the couch and close your eyes." She said and I did what she said.
"I want you to concentrate and think back to a time where you reached your limit with Eva. When you were little." She said and I started to concentrate.
"When was this?" She asked.
"I was 8...I was coming home from Kareem's house, my mom's best friend." I said.
"Go change you got dirt all on your pants." Eva raised her voice at me.
I had been spending the weekend with uncle Kareem and Malik and she picked me up today.
I went up to my room seeing that some things were out of place. Before I left I made sure to clean my room like my dad asked.
I walked over to my bed lifting up my mattress to see my photo album of my mom and my journal missing. I then noticed all of my sticky notes weren't on my mirror anymore.
"EVA." I yelled going downstairs seeing her at the kitchen table talking to my grandma.
"Lil girl who you think yelling at better get your mind right." She looked at me.
"Have you been in my room?" I asked. "My photo album of my momma and my journal ain't there no more and I know that's where I left it because I cleaned my room." I said.
"Your room? This is my house I can go into whatever room when I feel like it don't come in here questioning me." She said making karmyn and Kamille look over. Landon was at a friends house.
"This not your house my daddy pay the bills." I raised my voice and she stood up so I stepped back.
"You took my stuff because you know you'll never be like my momma." I said and she came over to me and slapped me before grabbing my arm tightly.
"STOP GET OFF OF ME." I yelled as I felt her nails hurt my skin.
"WATCH WHO THE FUCK YOU BE TALKING TO KAELYN." She yelled back at me as she jacked me up.
"Your brother ain't here to save you can stop all that whining. You gone get enough of talking back." My grandma co-signed.
"Kamille go get my belt." Eva said and Kamille wasted no time to do what she said, almost as if she was happy.