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Right now it was past midnight and I was in the bathroom sitting on the floor in pain. It felt like I was having contractions, I know we've prepared for me to have an early birth but i'm scared now. I was just whimpering.
"Kaelyn?" I heard Makai ask. "You crying?" He asked.
"I think i'm having contractions." I said and he opened the door.
"How far apart yo' contractions?" He asked.
"Like three or five minutes." I said.
"Ight, i'm finna put the bags in the car i'll be right back okay?" He assured and I nodded my head before texting my mom.
Here I am pregnant with twins and giving birth weeks early my life is just lovely😀.
"You think you can stand up?" He asked and I nodded my head but he still held my hands to help me and as soon I stood up my water broke.
"You is too damn big to peeing- Makai this ain't that my water broke." I chuckled.
"Yo' ass be fake hurt where yo tears go?" He asked.
"I was being for real, hollon lemme take a shower first- Kaelyn it's almost 4 o'clock in the morning you took one last night, we need to go." He said.
"But my water just broke." I said.
"Ok and? Have them twins in the shower if you want to and let they head hit the floor it ain't gone be my fault." He looked at me.
"Ugh okay i'm just finna change get out." I said.
"Girl I can stay in here." He shrugged. "You act like I ain't never seen you before that's why you pregnant now." He mumbled.
"Makai imma throw this body wash at your head." I looked at him.
"Okok." He said getting out while I changed.
After I changed I looked down at my wrist looking at the tattoo that covered my scars that was dedicated to malik.
"Okay i'm ready." I said taking a deep breath.
"Whew." I sighed as I felt another contraction. "MAKAIIIIIII." I yelled.
"IM COMING." He yelled back and I heard him run upstairs.
"Yeah she having contractions we on the way to the hospital now....Okay." He hung up walking in the room while I sat down on the bed rubbing my stomach.
"C'mon why you sit back down?" Makai said.
"Because these contractions fucking hurt." I looked at him. "You did this to me." I said.
"Imma let you slide wit' that cause i know yo' hormones everywhere." He chuckled.
When we got there they sent me straight to the delivery room.
"So you're not at 10 cm yet, but you are at 3, you're going to experience some mild contractions and you can change positions if you start to feel uncomfortable." She said as she started to check everything before walking out.