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After putting the bandage on my wrist I cut the light off in the bathroom and laid down getting ready to go to sleep

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After putting the bandage on my wrist I cut the light off in the bathroom and laid down getting ready to go to sleep.

Just as I pulled the covers over my body I heard Makai come in which means he was just now getting home.

He didn't say nothing he just went in the bathroom and I heard the shower running. I sighed getting on my phone going on pinterest.

I couldn't go to sleep for nothing so I was still up by the time he got out the shower and got in bed.

I was turned on my side and he put his arm around me but I moved it then he put it back and I moved it. Then he put it back and I moved it again.

"Kaelyn." He sucked his teeth.

"What." I said.

"You blowin' my high chill." He said.

"So that's what you was doing all day getting high?" I asked.

"We need to talk Ion want us to be mad at each other I don't like that shit Kaelyn." He said and he was by my ear so it sent chills down my body so I turned to him.

"We would've been able to talk a long time ago if you would've answered your phone." I said.

"You told me stop bothering you so I gave you yo' space- ok but obviously if I called you I didn't need any space. You the one that left this morning and just now getting home." I said cutting him off.

"Cause you made me mad." He said.

"And I felt bad right after you left literally." I said.

"That's why you called me?" He asked.

"No." I mumbled. "But still that hurt my feelings cause you been gone literally the whole day with not one text or call." I said.

"Ight then we even cause you hurt my feelings too." He said dryly.

"Talm' bout i'm bothering you if i wasn't 'bothering' you yo' ass would've been passed out from not eating and you wouldn't have even visited yo brother to find out he was woke." He said.

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