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"Makai." I mumbled in my sleep hearing one of the babies crying through the baby monitor.
"Hm?" He said but he didn't move.
"It's your turn." I said and he looked at his phone seeing that it was four a.m.
He got up going to the nursery while I tried to go back to sleep. Then he came back holding both Kymeir and Kyhari.
"I told you they don't like being in there by they self, they scared." He said but in reality he just didn't want them out of his sight. It was cute though.
"They both six ounces." I said out loud as I looked at the breast milk inside of the glass bottles. I was surprised because I never pump the same amount out of both boobs.
I put both bottles in the refrigerator going back upstairs to our room.
"Get him." Makai said motioning to Kyhari as he held both of him. "That lil nigga bad." He mumbled as I grabbed him.
"What he do now?" I chuckled.
"Throwing his big ass head around and hit me in my mouth then gone start smiling showing nothing but gums." He said with a straight face and I started laughing.
"He ain't mean to." I said as Kyhari laid in my arms looking at me and Kymeir was holding Makai's finger. "Ain't that right handsome." I smiled tickling him causing him to laugh.
"Kymeir just be chillin." He said.
"Yeah he more quiet, but they're perfect." I smiled looking at our babies.
"We gotta get dressed in bout 30 minutes." Makai said.
"For what?" I asked.
"You'll find out when we get there, I called my mama and yo' mama to watch them." He said.
"Wait we leaving them?" I asked.
"Kaelyn, don't you think it's time for us to catch a small break just for today, they five months now. And our mama's agreed on that too, they the ones that suggested it." He explained.