[3] - W H O ' S Y O U R D A D D Y ?

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(^^In honor of Diego Hargreeves fav saying)


It had been three weeks sense the Mikaelson siblings minus Natalia were killed and turned into monsters. Natalia had been staying with the Tailsmans and hadn't left the safety of the small tent home in the past three weeks sense she had seen her siblings killing villagers. But, when they heard screams echoing through the forest they all went running towards it.
When they got there they saw Niklaus bent over a dead body screaming in pain. When he looked up, they noticed how is eyes were a bright yellow instead of their normal blue.

"Oh my god," Natalia muttered, moving to bend over next to him.
Suddenly Elijah speed onto the scene closely followed by Mikael. Mikael took one look at Niklaus before glancing at the Tailsman siblings. Realization hit him like a bullet and he quickly snapped Niklaus' neck, and nodding towards Natalia to Elijah. Then he picked up Niklaus and sped away.

Elijah carefully approached Natalia who had jumped back when Mikael snapped Niklaus' neck. He placed his hand on her chin, briefly closing his eyes when she winced away from him. He then swooped her up into his arms and sped away with her. Leaving the Tailsman siblings behind ignoring their protests.


Thea was the first to speak. "So it's true then?" she asked looking up at Alexander for confirmation.

Alexander nodded his head before grabbing her hand and the Tailsman siblings walked back home to their father. And little did they know, this would be the last time they were all together and alive.


When Elijah set Natalia down, she stumbled away from him. "What the?" she looked around to see that they were behind their house in the small meadow they had.
"Talia-" Elijah started but was stopped by Natalia.

"Don't call me that. You were DEAD! DEAD! And then you weren't!" She shouted frantically backing away from him, "I watched you kill those people!" Elijah looked down ashamed of himself. Natalia continued to back away before she tripped and fell back into someone's arms.

She let out a small scream and whipped around to see Kol standing there with a grim smile on his face and his eyes filled with pain and sadness. "You were all dead! I had your blood all over me. And then you guys wake up and are these-these monsters!" By this point Natalia was full on sobbing as she tried to break of Kol's grip. But that only made him hold onto her tighter, he pulled her into his chest and whispered soothing words to her.

She eventually calmed down enough for Kol to relax his grip on her, and in that brief moment, it was like everything was back to normal, before Henrik died. Then, Natalia probably did the stupidest thing ever.

She ran.

The second Kol took a step back she bolted. She ran as fast as she could not daring to look back. Only when she hit something hard did she stop. It was Alvin. He grabbed onto her arms, holding her steady.

"Hey, hey. Woah! Slow down there!" he said laughing gripping onto her forearms. He quickly stopped though when he saw her watery eyes.
"Hey," he said quieter this time, bending down to be the same height as the smaller girl, "what happened with Elijah?"

At this Natalia broke down crying and managed to explain everything.

After a bit, and Alvin had gotten the girl to stop crying fully, the two made their way back to the tented area of werewolves.
But as they got closer, the smell of blood became more and more strong.

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