[4]- E L I J A H

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A couple months later

ELIJAH WAS WATCHING Talia make more flower crowns in her special meadow. He was supposed to be helping her make dinner but he had another plan.

Soon the sun set and Elijah made his way over to his sister. "Talia," he said getting her attention. "Yes 'Lijah?" She asks turning around. "Come here, I want to show you something." Talia tilts her head but gets up and walks over to her big brother, grabbing his outstretched hand and clinging onto him.

"Watch," he said pointing to the forest. Soon enough a bunch of little lights flew out of it and into the air. Talia gasped as she stared at them. "What are they?" She asked her big brother holding out a hand to try and catch one. "They're called fireflies." Elijah responds chuckling at his sister as she try's to catch one.

"Woah," She exclaimed as the all flew into the night sky and disappeared. The next night the two siblings returned. And they did that for a couple months until it was Talia's 11th birthday.


Rebekah and Esther had made her a chocolate cake and had gotten fresh oranges for juice. "Talia!" A voice shouted Talia turned around to see Thea and her brothers walking over. A huge smile lit up Talia's face and she ran over to hug her best friend. "Thea!" She shouted engulfing her in a huge hug. Thea laughed and hugged back. Talia was older than Thea by a week so the two girls were always joking about it.

"Guess I'm older than you now," Talia says after they hug.

"And you'll also die first," Thea says crossing her arms.

"Sureeee," Talia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms back and the two girls stared at each other for a moment before breaking into laughter and running off.

"Alexander, Alvin, Adam!" Esther says walking out of the hut carrying a brown bag, nodding her head in hello to the three werewolves.

"Esther," Adam responds nodding his head in hello.

Alexander looks over at Nik and sees a red mark on his arm. Nik notices him looking at it and walks away, probably to make more paints for his art work.

Later that night the Mikaelson's minus Mikael and the Tailsman's minus Ansel were all sitting on the grassy frailty eating cake and orange juice.

Then Esther places a small paper bag in front of Talia. "Open it up," Esther says with a smile. Talia opens up the bag and takes out a necklace. It had a green gem and was on a sliver chain. Talia gasped, "thank you mama." She said. Elijah takes it from her and helps her out it on.

"Thank you 'Lijah." She says kissing his cheek. "Of course little one." Elijah responds sitting back down.

Eventually the Tailsman's had to leave and Thea and Talia said their goodbyes and then it was time for bed.

Talia turned all night long not being able to sleep.  Instead of waking up Finn or Elijah like she normally did to either practice her magic or catch fireflies, she slowly pulled off her blanket and tip-toed out of the room she shared with her siblings. Talia started to walk through the village and eventually found herself in the woods near the Tailsman's home.

When she heard voices she froze and hid behind a tree. "Is it true!?" She heard Alexander shout. She peeked out to see Alexander, Alvin, Adam and Ansel all standing around a fire. It looked as if they had been fighting over something.

"YES!" Ansel shouts making the Talismans siblings including Talia from her hiding spot jump. "Thea is Esther's child! But I am her father!" He shouts.

"So you messed around with her again!" Alexander shouted back.

When Ansel doesn't answer something dawns on the youngest Talisman boy. "Wait," He slowly says turning to face his father. "Does this mean that Talia is also our sister?" He asks.

"Yes... Esther wanted one of the children to stay with her and the other go with me. So she got Talia the firstborn and I got Thea. She gave me Thea because she was much smaller than Talia, she didn't think the child would survive."

Talia gasped, stepping back in shock only to land on a twig that snapped in half quite loudly.

The four werewolves turned to the noise in shock. "Blast it," Ansel muttered, watching as a girl with familiar blonde hair runaway.

A/N: So how was the chapter? So I understand if you're confused with the plot rn but please I beg of you, hang on and it'll get MUCH better and will all make sense in the end!
It's ALL part of my master plan. *Evil Laugh*. But trust me once it starts to unfold you'll understand where I'm going with this and you might either love me...


Hate me... Lol

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